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"Dang it! Lost again!" I cursed, slamming my hands on the ground.

Mom giggled. "You were close to beating me, my dear. But you can't beat a master tactician!"

I crossed my arms, sticking my lip out in a pout. "Then I just have to become a master tactician and then I'll beat you at chess..." I grumbled.

Mom began cleaning up the chess board. "What was that, love?"

I sighed, looking up at her. "Am I a good strategist?"

"Excuse me?"

"I asked if I was a good strategist," I repeated, picking up a small stick and tracing shapes into the dirt. "You always beat me at chess. You've been teaching me strategies for as long as I can remember, but not at an extreme level. Despite that, I thought that I would be really good at it..."

She stopped cleaning up, instead focusing all of her attention on me. "Anna, have you been feeling this way a long time?"

I nodded. "Yeah! I've always wanted to learn more in-depth about strategy, but I just haven't found the right opportunity to ask..." I mumbled. "I'm getting the hang of magic, but I want to learn so much more."

Mom exhaled slowly, running a hand through her hair. "Anna..." She looked torn on what to say. "First and foremost: you have an amazing analytical mindset. And you're only thirteen! If you would like me to teach you something, you need only ask!"

My eyes lit up. "Really?!"

"Really," she laughed. "I'm so very proud of you, my love. My mother trained me in the ways of a tactician, and now it is time to continue this tradition."

I nodded, scooting closer to her. "I have one more question."


I tugged on the sleeve of her purple coat. I had always been curious about it. What the markings meant, why it was so big, where it came from. All of it. "Why do you always wear this coat? And where did you get it?"

Her eyes widened, unconsciously adjusting the sleeves on her shoulders. " was, as you could guess, my mother's coat before me. She was a court tactician for a short while, and this was her personal robe. She kept it with her even after she quit that job," she explained. "Once I grew old enough, she passed it down to me. She told me she wanted it to become a family heirloom of sorts. And, one day, you will inherit it."

I stared at her in wonder. "Wow...that's amazing!" I exclaimed. "When do you think that'll be?"

She chuckled to herself. "Someday in the future. Have patience, dear. Now," she reached into one of our packs and pulled out a large book, "you want to know more about strategy? Start with this. After you read this book cover to cover, we'll see how well you fair in a game of chess."

I snatched the book away from her, crawling over to a tree and leaning back. "Yes, ma'am! I won't disappoint you!"

"Mmm, you never do."


Child wants to learn stuff. She will become the world's greatest tactician eventually. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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