Catching Up

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Three Months Later...

"Gods, when was the last time we were all together like this?" Sully asked, leaning back on a bench.

"Too long. Our training really has been keeping us busy," Sumia replied, picking a flower from one of the beds.

Cordelia sighed. "And it will only get busier from here... Phila says I'm almost ready to become a full-fledged Pegasus Knight!"

"That's great, Cordelia!" I exclaimed. "That's what you've always wanted, right?"

Her cheeks flushed. "Y-yes! But I can't help but feel nervous!"

"That's understandable, Cordelia," Sumia smiled. "But you're more than ready for it! You've been training since you could wield a lance! You'll be the best Pegasus Knight!"

Sully looked up, smirking. "What about you, Sums? You're also training to be a Pegasus Knight." Her short red hair was somehow contained in the world's smallest ponytail.

Sumia focused her attention back on her flower. "Well, yes...but not as intensely as Cordelia. I don't even have a Pegasus, for Naga's sake!" she let out a hollow chuckle. "I don't think I'll ever become a full-fledged Knight, but that's all right."

As I was about to reply, Barin tugged on his leash. I groaned, gripping the leash tighter. "Heel, bud. You can't run around right now." My puppy wasn't so much a puppy anymore. He still had the mentality of one, but he was almost grown to his full size. I drastically misjudged how big this dog would become.

Cordelia giggled. "Looks like someone wants to play!"

I rolled my eyes. "He has to learn to be still. He won't make a good hunting companion if he does nothing but run around."

Sully stood up, walking over to pet my dog. "And how's that going for ya?"

"Stressful. And tedious," I sighed. "But, he's a good boy and learns quickly. Shouldn't be too long until he ready to go out on actual hunts.

"Sully, you've been asking all of us about our training and you haven't talked about yours," Sumia added. "So, how are you doing?"

The red-head chuckled under her breath. "I'm kicking ass and proving people wrong, that's what I'm doing." She stood up, flexing. "I wanted to follow in my brothers' footsteps, but not copy them completely. Instead of being a normal knight, I'm specializing in calvary."

"That's really cool, Sully!" Cordelia exclaimed.

I finally got Barin to lay down. "You've always had a thing for horses," I said. "Actually, in relation to that, Frederick was saying that it's almost time for me to get a horse of my own."

Sumia's eyes lit up. "Why does it feel like you're getting new animal companions every five seconds?"

"Because my training warrants so?" I chuckled. "I want to learn how to fight on horseback. I may prefer the ground, but having this knowledge will be useful."

Sully raised an eyebrow, leaning against a tree. "Lissa must be beyond jealous."

I shrugged. "I mean, yeah, but she's still too young to be responsible for a pet." I scratched behind Barin's ears, making his long tail wag. "She actually managed to catch a squirrel and claimed it as her pet. Emm made her release it, though."

"It sounds like she really wants a pet," Cordelia gigged.

"I allow her to spend time with Barin and she enjoys that," I said. "And Maribelle takes her for plenty of rides."

"Those two are like peas in a pod," Sully hummed. "I'm glad, too. Maribelle's House has been going through some tough times as of the past few years. Lissa really distracts her from all of it."

I nodded. "Lissa is a true beacon of happiness, that's for sure." If not for her, there is no way I would have been able to get through everything. "No matter what, she always stays optimistic and happy."

"Those are great traits to have," Sumia smiled. "You're really lucky to have a sister like her."

"I sure am..." I'm lucky to have both of my sisters. They are my world. Without them, I would be nothing. 

Before anyone else could start up another conversation, Frederick's voice rang throughout the courtyard. "Milord, it is time to come back inside. You and your friends must get back to training."

I sighed, urging Barin to stand. "Be right there, Frederick!" I called back. "Well, you guys ready to go?"

The three of them nodded. "Yup! Ready as always!" Sumia stood, brushing off her skirt.

"Becoming the best knight in all of Ylisse won't happen itself!" Sully barked, cracking her knuckles.

"Th-this was really fun!" Cordelia blushed. "We rarely ever hang out anymore, I hope we can get together like this more often!"

I smiled at her. "I as well, Cordelia."

That seemed to make her blush even more. I wonder if she's ok? That always happens whenever I talk to her. Well, I'm sure she's fine. But she does have a point, hanging out like this really feels like a rarity. And our lives will only become busier. But, I know that our friendships will never change.


Here are some children. Except they're not really children. But still fluffy nonetheless. IT'S CHROBIN WEEK Y'ALL. AHHHH. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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