A Price to Pay For a Gift

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3 Months Later...

I have never seen Emm or Mama so scared before.

They keep saying things like "The kingdom is falling" and "We're losing". And I can see why. It's a struggle to get food. To feel safe. To feel loved by everyone.

Most of my days are now spent with Mama and Emm. Mama holds us so close every second of every day. She says that baby is going to be born in about a month. Maybe that will bring joy back to the castle!

"Mama? Are you ok?" I asked, placing my hands on her belly.

She slowly opened her eyes and smiled at me. "Yes, dear." She stroked my hair. "I'm alright."

Emm sat down next to her. "Are you sure?"

"Yes! Goodness, my children are more doting than me!" she giggled.

"We worry about you, Mother..." Emm whispered as she hugged me and pulled me into her lap.

Mama closed her eyes once more. "I know, Emmy. But you have to be strong. You're almost ten! I can hardly believe it!" A tear rolled down her cheek. "You two have grown so much...I love you both dearly..."

I smiled. "And soon we'll have another member of the family!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, then we'll truly be happy, right Mother?" Emm asked, sadness lacing her voice.

Mama didn't answer immediately. "...Yes. Yes, we will." She sat up and kissed our foreheads. "It's getting late, my children. We must rest."

I nodded and snuggled under the covers. "Ok, Mama!"

"Right..." Emm laid down next to me.

"Goodnight, my loves. May pleasant dreams find you." Mama kissed us one more time before going to sleep.

Everything will be ok soon! I know it! This stupid war will end soon, baby will be born, and we'll be a big happy family! I can feel it!


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" I woke up to hear Mama screaming.

"Mama?!" I crawled to her side and hugged her arm. "Mama, are you ok?!?!"

"Mother!" Emm joined me.

Mama looked at us weakly. "Th-the baby..." She was clutching her stomach.

Emm's eyes widened. "No...don't tell me..."

"It's coming..."

"What?! Didn't you say baby was coming next month?!" I asked, placing my own hands on her stomach.

"Th-they are impatient, it seems!" Mama screamed in pain again. "E-Emmy, get the nurse! Now!"

"Of course!" Emm got out of bed and ran to get the nurse.

I hugged Mama tight and held onto her hand. "Everything will be ok, Mama... I promise..."

She hugged me back and clutched my hand. "I hope so, buddy... I really do..."

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