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One week into our patrol and everything was as smooth as it could be. We checked into a few towns and villages, asking the people within them if they know of any trouble or have had any problems with brigands. Thankfully, our asking around told us that there were no sightings or skirmishes. We did find two Plegian brigands on the road, however, but we quickly took care of them.

Lissa was still as overjoyed as ever to be on this patrol, even managing to get the stoic Frederick to crack a smile every once and a while. She was cheery now, but she hasn't truly experienced the hardships of our missions. We often had to sleep in tents or on the ground while traveling. Right now, we were able to find board in the towns. I had a feeling that as soon as we had to camp outside, her demeanor will change. Hardship builds character, is what Frederick always said.

A warm, summer breeze blew by, warming my skin. I smiled at the feeling and looked up at the vast blue sky. I always enjoyed the brightness of the day. It made me feel alive.

I truly am blessed with an amazing life. I feel like I don't deserve it! Everything that has happened had a reason and opened up many different opportunities. I have so many things to be grateful for. My sisters, my friends, my soldiers, my people, everything. Still, I can't help the feeling that something is missing...

"Big Brother is daydreaming again." Lissa poked my side playfully.

Frederick turned his attention to me. "Is something troubling you, Milord?"

I shook my head, smiling. "No, not really. I'm just...reflecting."

He raised an eyebrow. "Reflecting? On what?"

I hummed, not faltering in my steps. "Well, everything, I guess. My entire life, what has happened in the past couple of years, what's happening right now, all of that." I drew in a breath. "There are times when I feel like everything happened in the blink of an eye. One moment, I'm holding an infant Lissa for the first time. Then, I'm sneaking around to train. A blink and then I'm forming my Shepherds. Now, I'm the proud Captain of my own militia and a year from twenty. Every single choice I've had and made has had an impact one way or another. Good or bad, there are times I can't really tell."

My companions were silent, not knowing how to respond. Then, my sister broke the moment. "Sounds like you're just being sappy. This heat has gone to your head."

I rolled my eyes, playfully pushing her. "Ha ha. Thank you for the comment."

Frederick chuckled. "I will admit, it was quite unlike you to say such a thing. Forgive us if we are a bit surprised," he said. "But I do have to agree with you. When I look at you two, it's quite hard to remember that you are not children anymore. Seven years I've been with you but it feels much, much longer."

Lissa groaned. "Why are you two being so sappy?"

"Dunno. I just...I felt like I needed to say this," I sighed. "And Lissa, I'm going to keep being sappy. You've come such a long way and I couldn't be any prouder of you. It feels like just yesterday when you were born."


I laughed, resting my elbow on her head. "You love me."

"In this particular moment, I don't!"

Frederick huffed. "Perhaps you're still children, after all..."

I'm not lying, though. Is my life moving fast? Have I already experience that moment or part of it that I was supposed to be living up to? How do you know when that time comes? I feel like I have, but my heart says otherwise. Do I have another purpose? Is there something else I have to do? What will my heart guide me to next? Heart, you've never steered me wrong. I trust you.

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