Music Over Thunder

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I stared out the window as rain poured down heavily. Raindrops landed on the glass and fell down only for new ones to take their place. A loud crash of thunder was heard, but I barely acknowledged it. I should check on Chrom... He hates thunder...

It's been a week since I lost my baby. The doctors had told me that it was likely from the beginning. Still, I believed that everything would be ok in the end. But now...

What is Matthias going to think? Will he even care? He's been off fighting on the southern border, so he hasn't gotten word of the news...

I shook my head and thought of my children. Emmeryn...Chrom... Tears began to fall onto my hands. Why...why must there be so much pain at a time like this? Why must you two be raised in a war? Why can't I give you a normal life?

Why has all of this happened? Gods, what have I done to deserve this?

Just then, I heard a knock on the door. "Mother? Are you in here?" I heard Emmeryn ask.

A small smile crept upon my lips. "Yes...I'm here..." I replied. My children have been my light in all of this. They've been my light since forever.

The moment Emmeryn opened the door, Chrom rushed in and hugged my leg. "Mama!"

Tears began to well up in my eyes and I pulled him into my lap. "Hello, Chrom..."

Chrom kissed my cheeks and smiled at me. "Hi, Mama! Are you better?" he asked.

I ruffled his blue hair. "I am now, my little prince." I hugged him close. "You always brighten my day."

"I'm glad to hear that," Emmeryn said, sitting down next to me. "How are you really, Mother?"

"I'm fine, really..." I looked off. "I'm still recovering, but I'll be able to get through this."

"I'm glad to hear that." She smiled. "Especially for Chrom; he's been wanting to spend all his time with you!"

I kissed the two-year-old's head. "Do you want to spend time with Mommy, sweetie?"

Chrom nodded and hugged my neck. "Yeah!"

I giggled and picked him up. "Alright. I could use a walk!"

"But Mother, it's raining!" Emmeryn quickly said, getting up from her seat.

"We're not going outside, dear," I said. "I'm going to walk around the castle with him."

"Alright, Mother... Call me if you need anything."

I grinned and kissed her forehead. "I will. Thank you, darling. We can talk later; I just want to attend to Chrom, first."

"I understand." She patted his little head. "Don't give Mother too much trouble, alright?"

"Ok!" Chrom chimed.


I played each key with careful precision, letting the sound of the piano echo throughout the room. Chrom laid his tiny head in my lap and began to fall asleep to my music. The rain outside began to calm down, and no thunder could be heard. I'm glad... I thought to myself. My piano playing always calms him down...

"Mama...?" Chrom lifted his head to me. "Why do you play the piano?" he asked me groggily.

I smiled at him, allowing my fingers to play the song by muscle memory as all my attention turned to my son. "Because it calms me, dear. And it calms you, too."

"Why does it calm me?"

I laughed at his question. "I can't answer that, my little prince! Only you can!" I exclaimed.

Chrom sat up and tried to think. "Umm... It sounds pretty?"

"Well, that could be the reason!"

I played in silence for a few more minutes. "Mama? How did you learn to play?" he asked.

"My Mother taught me," I replied. "Do you want to learn how to play?"

Chrom placed his head back in my lap. "No... It looks hard... You can play for me..."

I smiled to myself. "Well, I won't be able to play for you forever! You'd better find a wife who plays the piano if that's what you wish!"

Chrom shot back up and pretended to gag. "Ewww... No! I don't wanna get married!" he pouted.

I gave him a confused look. "Why's that?"

"Cuz Daddy says he gets to choose my wife!"

I stopped playing. "...When did he say that?"

He shrugged. "I dunno! But he did!"

I wrapped my arms around him. "I'll make sure that won't happen, Chrom. I promise."

Chrom pulled back and held out his hand, sticking out his pinky. "Pinky promise?"

I smiled and hooked my pinky with his. "Pinky promise."


So yeah. Fluff and a bit of angst. I think that's all I write nowadays XD. Sorry I haven't been writing a lot lately, school has just started back up so that's been keeping me occupied. I promise to write more this week, but I'm gonna be super duper busy. I'm going to try putting this on a schedule sometime soon, so look out for news on that. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Currently listening to: If I Had You: Adam Lambert

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