There is Always Light

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8 Months Later...

"You'll never escape me..."

A distorted voice echoed throughout my skull, receiving a piercing headache. I squeezed my eyes tighter than they already were. Oww...who is that? What's going on?

"I am you! I am your better half!" The voice rumbled again; it could read my thoughts.

I decided to open my eyes, only to be greeted by more darkness. "What are you talking about?! Where am I?!"

"Silence, mortal!" The voice sounded more impatient. My head hurt more and more as they spoke, a ringing sensation starting. "You are weak! A disgrace to what you are meant to be!"

I covered my ears. "Stop it! I don't know what you're talking about!" I trembled.

"You can run as much as you like, but I will always find you. I am a part of you. You can't escape me!"

The voice began to laugh. It felt like the whole room was shaking. More pain split through me. I couldn't take it any longer.

"STOP IT!!!"

And that was when I awoke.

I panted heavily, still trembling. Looking around, I saw that I still in the forest. Mom was still sleeping soundly on her bedroll. The campfire was nothing but ash and small cinders. The crickets and owls sang their night song, pulling me back to reality.

"It was just a dream... It's always just a dream..." I sighed, tucking my knees into my chest. The skin on my right hand felt like it was burning. I shook my head, choosing to ignore it. "This always happens whenever my inner demons try talking to me. It's nothing. I'm all right."

Drawing in a deep breath of the crisp night air, I stood and made my way to a nearby stream. The gentle babbling of the water calmed me further. Bunching up my nightdress, I knelt down on the bank. It was useless, anyway; the heam still got muddy.

I cupped my hands in the cool water and splashed it onto my face. "Deep breaths, Anna. It's nothing. Whatever that voice is, I don't need to head it." Bright moonlight reflected off the rushing stream, illuminating the area with an eerie yet ethereal glow.

"None of this evil will find me. Ever," I muttered. "It can't and won't. I'm running for a reason. If this darkness wants to take me, then it'll have a lot coming for it. I won't back down without a fight."

Hiking up my dress once more, I carefully waded into the water; allowing it to clean the mud off my legs and skirt. The water felt cold and refreshing against my skin. I wiggled my toes in the pebbles, flinching slightly whenever I felt something different.

I turned my head up to the moon, breathing deeply. "I don't care how much we hide. I don't care about a 'normal life'. As long as I have Mom, I'm happy. Darkness can't find me; there is always light."


Grima won't catch you, bebe (for now). This was fun to write. Not only did it give me a chance to practice descriptive writing, but I also got to deal with Anna's inner demons. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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