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8 Months Later...

It took almost one whole year, but my training was finally complete. I thought my days of secret training were over, but I was dead wrong. With the help of Frederick convincing one of the army commanders to teach me their ways and even some aid from the master-of-arms, my training was able to be kept under wraps.

One week after I turned 17, I was ready to present Emm with my idea to start my own militia.

"Remember, Milord, keep your head high. Persist with everything that you are," Frederick instructed as we made our way to the Great Hall. "What is the first rule of being a general?"

"Never back down and fight on." I could recite all the rules and codes in my sleep. After countless hours of lectures, training, and actually going out and fighting with the army, I was more than confident with my knowledge.

The only other person to know about my plans was Lissa, who was with us. "I believe in you Chrom! There's no way Emm can refuse!"

I swallowed, nodding. "I certainly hope so." I am insane. I don't know why I thought this was a good idea! I have so many thoughts and worries! I don't even know if this will really work! It's too late to back down now. I may be more worried beyond compare, but I have to do this. I have to protect Ylisse.

We stopped at the doors to the Great Hall. Frederick was already ready to tell the guards to open the door. "Are you ready?"

I drew in a breath. "It's now or never."

The doors opened.

Emm turned to face us, surprise written on her face. Phila was there, as well. "Chrom, what are you doing here? I thought you were out training?" In her hands was a cup of tea. She daintily lifted the cup to her lips and took a sip

I won't back down. I won't take no for an answer. I marched right up to her, fists clenched and chest puffed out in pride. "I want to start my own militia."

Emm's eyes widened as she nearly choked on her tea. "...Excuse me?"

"I want to start a militia," I repeated myself. "It is my duty to protect Ylisse and her people. I've done enough sitting around. It's time to take action before it's too late." I could tell Phila wanted to speak. But, resolve flashed in her eyes and she slowly nodded at me. She understands.

Emm set her cup down, taking a deep breath. "I-I see. Chrom, you must understand that leading an army is not just something you decide to do on a whim. You have to-"

"He's already ten steps ahead of you," Frederick interrupted. "Milord has been training with one of our finest generals for about a year. Along with his field experience, his abilities to lead are more than ready."

Lissa nodded. "It's true! I've watched his progress! Chrom can lead armies in his sleep!"

I wouldn't say I'm that confident! However, I didn't let my anxieties show. "I don't want a handful of soldiers to command around at my will. No, my plan is something much different." With a shaky breath, I began to share my vision. "I want a collection of different people. Knights, mages, healers, and so on, working as one unit. I want to bring together all kinds of people from different backgrounds and experiences. We will fight for Ylisse and her people and solve her problems, no matter how big or small."

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