Life is a Battlefield

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2 months later...

The feeling of something playing with my feet woke me from my deep slumber. I groaned softly and opened my heavy eyes. The bright morning sun poked through the tree branches as they swayed in the breeze. I looked down to see my daughter hugging my foot and giggling.

I smiled and took Anna into my arms. "Goodmorning, little one." I kissed her head. "Happy birthday."

One year... I've had Anna for one whole year... 

I began to tear up. "This is some deja vu, isn't it, Anna?" I asked my infant. Here we were, resting against a tree in some random forest. Just like when I escaped with Anna one year ago. I hugged her tightly to my chest. "You are my everything... I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe..."

"Mama!" Anna babbled and tugged at my hair.

"Ah! Anna, that hurts!" I laughed, pulling my hair away from my baby. "Naughty girl!" Anna simply giggled and tried to reach for my hair, again. I squeezed her into a hug and sprinkled kisses on her head. "I love you so much..."

"Love you!"

That made my heart jump a billion feet in my chest. "Yes, Anna... Love you..."

Anna continued to giggle and say the new words she learned for about fifteen minutes while I watched. I wish we didn't have to move... Didn't have to run... I wanted to give you a normal life...but we always have to run...

"I'm so sorry, Anna..." I blinked away my tears and looked down. "I can't give you a normal life... I'm so sorry... You have to suffer because of my mistake... I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..."

Anna poked my forehead. "Mama?"

I cried into her soft hair. "I'm sorry..."

I stayed like this for a long time. Anna would kiss my cheeks and wipe away my tears with her chubby hands from time to time, but I still couldn't manage to get better...

"I'm sorry... I'm so-"

The sound of battle cries stopped me. I jumped to my feet and grabbed as much as I could. I secured Anna in the sling around me and held on tight. No no no no no... I heard the sounds getting closer.

I sprinted as fast as I could.

I have to get Anna to safety! I have to get out of here, now!!!

I ran and ran and ran, never looking back. I could still hear the sounds of a skirmish. How close are they?! In the midst of my panic, my foot caught on a tree root. No!

I twisted onto my back as fast as I could to protect Anna. A sharp pain shot through my foot and leg. I fell to the ground and fought to hold my tears. Anna; however, started crying.

"No! Shhh! Be quiet, love! Please!" I begged my daughter. She continued crying.

"Ey? I think I hear somethin' cryin', boss!" A voice said.

"No..." I tried to get up, but my leg said otherwise. I yelped as I fell back down, covering my mouth. Hot tears fell into my hand; my whole body was shaking. I clutched Anna tightly to me.

Fire Emblem: Before AwakeningDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora