Daughter of Grima

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This wasn't happening.

Out of the minimal percentage chance of her being worthy...

Why? Why did it have to be her? Why did it have to my daughter? What...what have I done to deserve this?! What has SHE done to deserve this?!

I held my newborn daughter closer to me, terrified to show her to the world. Her light brown hair was a huge contrast to the dark velvet blanket she was swaddled in. How could something so light and innocent...be so dark? Why would anyone force a child to become something she doesn't want to be?!


Why did she have to be born with such a cursed mark on her right hand?

If she were unmarked...she would be just like the rest of them! She would be raised to become a hierophant of this dark religion and learn their ways... Sure, it's a cruel fate, but at least she would be alive!!!

If I knew... If I knew who he was... I would never have married him! I clenched my teeth in rage. That... That dastard!!! That lying dastard!!!! I KNEW there was something wrong with him the moment I saw him! ...And yet, I was stupid enough be fooled by him...

Validar. That name stung in my mind. A name that made me want to go into a blind fit of rage. He ruined my chance at an ordinary life. At a normal family. He took it all away once I married him.

He tricked me. He fooled me into thinking he was an average Plegian man. That he was just a simple priest of the Grimleal. I thought nothing of it, and I so foolishly fell in love with him. Once we married, it all came crashing down. I found out that he was the head of the Grima bloodline and the leader of the Grimleal. I was stupid. So stupid. Now the punishment of my mistake is directed to my daughter. My daughter who is barely even an hour old!

What have I done...? Oh, my sweet child...I'm so sorry...

I continued to cry and beat myself for hours and hours.


"Where is she?" Validar yelled as he burst into the room.

I jerked awake and protectively held my daughter close to me. "Where's who?" I faked ignorance.

Validar sneered at me and stormed over. "You! I heard that the child has been born, and now I wish to analyze them!"

I clutched her tighter. "No need. I already did. There's nothing special about her." Saying that your child is not special is the most heartbreaking thing a parent could do.

Validar did not like that answer. "I do not care, Evelina! I must check the child myself!" He tried to take the baby away from me, but I wouldn't let him.

"No! I won't let you take my daughter!" I held her away from him.

"I will ask nicely once more... Give me the child!"

"Over my dead body!"

"Fine, then," Validar took out a tome, my breath caught in my throat as I read the name. Grima's Truth... "I will not be afraid to use this. Not only will it kill you, but it will also end the child... Now, what is your choice?"

I hesitated and handed him the baby. "Hmm, excellent choice."

I said a silent prayer in my head and hoped that Validar wouldn't see her mark. That he would just skip it. Please... Please...don't let anything happen to her... Someone...anyone...help her...

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