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I pulled my fur hood over my head and adjusted my scarf. I donned my bow, placing a few arrows in the quiver. As I opened the door, a cold chill blew into the room, making me wince. Alright, here goes nothing...

The snow crunched beneath my feet and frigid snowflakes pelted my face. This wasn't ideal hunting weather, but I would have to manage. As I was heading out into the forest, I felt something tug at my coat. I looked down and saw that it was my daughter.

"Anna! What are you doing out here?!" I knelt down and picked her up. "You'll catch a cold if you're out here!"

"Why is Mommy outside?"

I sighed and tucked my scarf around her. "Because Mommy has to go hunting."

Anna gave me a confused look. "I thought Mr. Arbhor hunted?"

I thought back to the recently deployed innkeeper. King Matthias released a draft demanding that any able man would be sent to fight. Including Karina's husband, Felix. That left her heartbroken. She hasn't been the same Karina I know and love since. So, I put it upon myself to take up any of the jobs Felix had; including hunting.

"Mr. Arbhor isn't here, love," I whispered. "Mommy has to take care of it."

"Can I go?!" she asked enthusiastically.

I kissed her tiny forehead and set her down. "No, sweet pea," I said. "It's dangerous."

Anna puffed out her chest. "I'm strong!"

I laughed and hugged her. "I know, sweetie." I squeezed her hands. "And because of that, I would feel much safer with you here protecting the inn."

Anna gave me a determined nod. "Yes, Mommy!" She jumped up and kissed my cheek and scurried back inside.

I chuckled as she left. "That's my strong little girl..."


I collapsed on the bed, exhausted, and covered in deer blood.

"Mommy, you smell yucky!" Anna plugged her nose and poked the side of my head.

I opened one eye and glared at her. "Well, it has been a long and cold trip, so please let Mommy rest!"

She wouldn't stop poking me. "Ms. Karina says not to make a mess on the bed!"

Despite my exhaustion, I couldn't help but smile at my daughter. "I suppose you're right..." I muttered, peeling myself off the mattress and heading towards the bathroom. "A bath would help warm me up, anyway..."

After I cleaned myself up, I crawled into bed with Anna and finally collapsed.

Anna snuggled up to me. "Did you catch food?"

I hugged her tight. "Yes, sweetie. I caught food." I closed my eyes and prayed that my daughter would try to sleep, but my prayers were in vain.

"How much food?"

"A lot of food, pumpkin," I murmured.

"Can I hunt?"

I leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "When you're older. Now please, go to bed."

Anna poked my nose. "When did you learn to hunt?"

That made my eyes open. "Well, my father taught me." I let out a breath. "I was about six, maybe seven, and he taught me how to hunt."

Anna nodded. "Oh. Cool!"

I hugged her tight. "I will tell you more about your grandpa someday, little bird," I smiled. "Right now, you're too young and it is late." I let out a yawn.

Anna rolled onto my side. "Ok, Mommy!" She nessled into the pillows. "G'night..."

"Goodnight, my sweet..."


Prepare for angst. 😈

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