Why We're at War

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I hardly see Father anymore.

He's always locked away with his War Council. That's all that's on his mind: war. The stupid war he's raging on Plegia. Why? What did the Plegians do to deserve this? And Ylisseans, too! This war isn't fair to the people. He's too busy with a war to focus on more important things; like how Ylisse is going to get through winter! Pretty soon...all our soldiers will be gone, and Father will begin drafting simple civilians.

Why must there be war? Why must there be conflict? I...I don't get it... I don't get it at all...

"Mother...why does Father want war?" I asked, tugging at her green skirt. "What can he possibly gain?"

Mother sighed and kneeled to my level. "I'm not sure, Emmy," She shook her head. "Your Father never told us the reason he wants to be at war..."

"So, he's forcing everyone to fight a war blindly?!"

"I...yes... Yes, Emmy...he is..." Mother began to cry. "No matter what we do, we can't stop him..."

I wrapped my arms around her neck. "What are we gonna do?"

"I'm not sure... I'm honestly not sure..."

We held onto each other for a few moments. "What about winter? It's in a few months, and Father hasn't given anyone a plan on how we're going to survive it!" I broke the silence.

Mother let out a breath and pulled away from me. "Well, you've had training in these matters. Why don't you take matters into your own hands and draft a plan yourself?" she suggested.

"Wait, really?!" I gasped. "Me?! I can draft the plan?!"

She giggled and patted my head. "Yes, little Exalt," she smiled. "Your Father won't do it, so it's up to you! You can do it!"

I nodded vigorously. "Right! I can do this! Thanks, Mother!" I kissed her cheek before I ran off to my study. It's up to me to make sure Ylisse survives winter! I won't let anyone suffer!



"...Matthias? May we talk?" I asked, opening the door to his study.

"Not now, Lucia. I'm busy," he replied, paying no mind to my presence.

I closed the door and walked over to him. "Matthias, Emmeryn is drafting Ylisse's winter survival plan. I thought I should let you know."

"Oh, I see. I forgot that existed."

"You forgot?!" I snapped.

Matthias looked up. "Watch your tone, Lucia," he growled.

I didn't back down. "You have a kingdom to rule! Thousands of lives depend on you! How could you forget about its own survival?!" I locked eyes with him.

"I have more important things to worry about!!"

"Like the war?!"

"Yes! The war!" He smashed his fist into the table and snarled. "I'm busy with making sure my troops survive!"

"But you're ignoring the lives of your people!" I cried. "This war is corrupting you! Why are we even at war with Plegia?! What did they do?!"

That only made things worse. Way worse.

Matthias' eyes burned with rage, and he snapped his quill in half. "Those...those Plegian heathens deserve to be eradicated!" he spat. "They accept the god of destruction as their savior! I've even heard that they're trying to revive the fell dragon! How could anyone accept that?! I must destroy them before they destroy the world!"

What...what is he talking about?! "Matthias, there are some Plegians who are extremists like that, but not all of them! Killing all of them is not the answer!"

"Every single one of them is corrupt..." he whispered. "They must die...all of them..."

"M-Matthias, you're scaring me!"


I turned away and ran out of the room as fast as I could. H-he's gone insane! That can't possibly be the reason we're at war! Why...why is he like this? This isn't the Matthias I know and love... What happened to him?!


"Hush now my dear, sleep with no fear, I'm right here with you... The shadows are not real, they're set by the moon. Hush now my dear, sleep with no fear, I'm right here with you... Let the bright starlight be a guide to you..." I sang the lullaby to my son as I held him in my arms.

"Soon, the daylight, it will break through... So, be patient while I sing to you. The stars they shine bright...while I ease your cries in my arms where you rest... So, sleep, you are safe." I set Chrom down in his crib as he began to fall asleep.

"Soon, the shadows, they'll disappear... So, you'll be safe, now do you hear? I'll stay by your side... I'll be your guide through the dark and unforgiving night..." Emmeryn hugged my leg and began to sing with me.

"Hush now my dear, sleep with no fear, I'm right here with you... The shadows are not real, they're set by the moon. Hush now my dear, sleep with no fear, I'm right here with you... Let the bright starlight be a guide to you..." I finished the lullaby and kissed Chrom on the forehead. "Sleep well, my little prince..."

"...Mama? What's going to happen to Ylisse?" Emmeryn asked, hugging my leg tightly.

I took her into my arms and carried her to bed. "I don't know, Emmy..." I sighed. "There's no reasoning with your father... He's determined to win this war at any cost..."

Emmeryn began to cry. "B-but what's considered a victory to him?!"

"...When every single Plegian is dead..."

"Oh, gods..." Emmeryn collapsed in my arms and cried heavily. "N-no! No! That can't be right! It can't be! He can't kill all those people! They didn't do anything!"

I held her close. "I-I know..." I whispered. "There's nothing we can do, I'm sorry..."

"We can't just sit here and do nothing!" Emmeryn cried. "How can this war end earlier without anyone dying?!"

That's not possible... Once Matthias wants something...he will stop at nothing to get it... "I'm sorry, Emmy... We can't do anything..."

"Mommy, I'm scared..."

"Shh...it's alright... I'll protect you... I won't let this war come to you or Chrom, I promise," I said, kissing her forehead.

"...Ok, Mommy... I trust you... We'll get through this war, together..."



So yeah, angst. That exists. I have a little announcement. I'm going to be on a break for a week or so. I have a lot going on right now, and I won't be able to write that much. Don't worry! Before Awakening will be back really soon, so just hold on until then! While you wait for its return, you can check out my August Prompts, which will be posted on their regular dates. Thank you so much for reading, and look forward to reading more!

Currently listening to: Waiting for Superman: Daughtry

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