Damsel in Distress

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The Harvest Festival is going really well! Everyone is having a great time!

As I looked around at the festive people, one girl with light brown hair caught my eye. She was sitting on a hay bale, crying. Oh no! No one should be crying here! Something must be wrong!

I ran over to her. "Hey, are you ok?" I asked. 

The girl looked up at me, her sapphire blue eyes puffy. "I-I lost my mommy! I don't know where she is!" she sniffled.

I smiled at her. "Don't worry, we'll find her." I offered her my hand. "I'll help you! My name is Chrom."

The girl wiped away her tears and took my hand. "Th-thank you... I'm Anna..."

"Where was the last place you saw her?"

Anna looked around. "Um, I think she was buying something? I can't really remember where or what..."

I nodded. "Ok, then." This could be tricky. There are so many people here! No, I'm going to find her mom! I'm going to be like a knight! "What does your mom look like?"

"Sh-she has long, dark-brown hair and grey eyes," she replied. "H-her name is Evelina."

I looked up at all the people. There are a lot of people who fit her description... Maybe I should go to Emm. She'll know what to do...

"C-can we find her?" Anna began to cry again.

I snapped out of my daze. "Of course! This is nothing we can't handle, c'mon!"



We checked the food area.

"Is your mommy here?" I asked.

Anna shook her head. "No, I don't see her."

"Dangit," I cursed. I looked down and noticed the glove on Anna's right hand. "Why are you wearing a glove? It's not too cold."

Anna's face turned red and she hid her hand. "U-um, I can't say!"

I shrugged. "Alrighty, then." That's odd... I wonder what her deal is? "Let's go and see if she's in the Shopping District."




Anna collapsed against a poll, crying. "I'll never find her! I'm never going to see her again!"

"Hey, it's ok." I sat down next to her. "We're going to find her, I promise. You'll see her again soon."

She hid her face in her hands. "What about you? Isn't your mommy worried about you? We've been out for so long!"

My heart gave a painful twinge. "Well... My mom isn't here to worry about me..." I muttered. "I mean, I'm sure she is worrying, wherever she is. I'm allowed to wander the city on my own, I promise."

She looked up. "Wait, it your mommy missing, too?"

"No, she's dead."

Anna's face sank in horror. "Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to say that!" she exclaimed.

"I-it's alright..." I trailed off. "You didn't know." Wait. She doesn't know? She must not recognize me, then. Is she from around here? The name Anna does sound quite foreign.

"Once again, I'm really sorry."

"Please, let's just forget about it and keep moving," I smiled. "It's almost sunset. If we can't find her by nightfall, we can go see my sister. She'll know what to do."

Anna stood up. "Ok, Chrom."


We arrived back at the town square.

"We still can't find her..." Anna murmured. "Do you think she's still in the city?"

"I bet she is." I found an empty spot on the water fountain that we could sit on. "I'm sorry that we couldn't find her."

Anna shook her head. "I really appreciate the help. You didn't have to help me..."

"But I wanted to," I said. "My mama and big sister always told me to be kind to others and help them whenever I could. I'm glad to help anyone in need."

"Well, thank you so much-"


A woman shouted Anna's name, running towards us.

"MOMMY!" Anna hopped off of the fountain, jumping into her mother's arms. "I missed you so much!"

The woman cried tears of relief, holding Anna tight. "Never disappear on me like that again! I was so worried!"

"I tried looking for you but I couldn't find you anywhere!" She looked at me. "Chrom and I looked all over the city, even!"

The woman lifted her head and locked eyes with me. "Oh? Who is this?"

"That's Chrom. He helped me find you."

The woman nodded. "I see..." She bit her lip nervously. "Well, thank you so much for helping my daughter, Chrom. It truly means the world to me."

I smiled at her. "It was no problem!"

The woman sighed. "Now, I think it's about time that we left, love. We have had enough excitement for a while."

"Oh...ok..." Anna wiggled out of her mother's embrace and landed on the ground, walking to me. "Bye, Chrom. Thank you again for the help!"

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "D-do you think we'll ever see each other again?" She probably lives really far from here. She never figured out who I was.

Anna cast a forlorn look at the ground. "I don't know. I travel a lot and I haven't been to the same place twice."

"Oh..." I sighed. "Well, maybe someday!"

"Yeah! Maybe!" She turned around, waving to me. "Goodbye!"


I watched as she dissapeared into the crowd. There's something about her that's really interesting... Strange... Well, maybe I can figure it out when I see her again. I know I will!


..................Shipping from a young age. I've always loved the theory that Chrom and Robin met once before but don't remember it. Well, Robin doesn't remember anything, anyway. XD Exams are winding down so I should have more time to write. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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