Quiet as a Mouse

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Gods, I have to be careful! If anyone sees me sneaking around the training grounds, I'm done for!

I hid behind a pillar as two guards passed by. They were bust chatting to notice me.

My self-training has been going swimmingly. However, wooden swords can only do so much. I needed a heavier weapon. I decided that I needed to sneak one of the proper training swords from the armory of the training grounds. It was around lunch time so there were very few people outside.

Once the coast was clear, I darted out from my hiding place and hid once more. Then, I heard the sounds of someone grunting and a spear cutting through the air. I peeked over the edge of the crate and saw a young, red-haired Pegasus Knight trainee practicing. She was standing right in front of the weapons pavilion.

Great. Just my luck. I'll need to think of a way to sneak past her...

I noticed that she was the only trainee in sight. She was panting heavily, sweat coating her body. Jeez! I knew the Pegasus Knights were strict about training, but she looks like she's been training all day! Not only that, but she looks about my age!

I shook my head and focused back on the task at hand. Ok, how am I gonna do this? I eyed a pile of sandbags and a few jars not that far from the pavilion. That's it!

I dashed behind every hiding spot I could, careful not to make too much noise. At last, I ducked behind the sandbags. My heart began to race in anticipation. I can do this. No going back! I'm right here!

I silently stood and began to make my way to the barrel that contained the many training swords.

Careful...careful...careful... CRAP!

Not looking where I was going, I bumped into one of the clay jars. Don't fall...please, don't fall...

Luck was not on my side.

The jar toppled over, making a loud crashing sound. Shoot!

I darted behind a crate as the girl turned around, heart beating out of my chest.

"Wh-who's there?!" The girl called out.

Stay silent. Don't make a sound!

"I-it'll make things easier if you came out and faced me!" Her voice was quivering but she remained confident.

I heard her footsteps drawing closer. I bunched myself up against the crate. Maybe she won't see me if I make myself as small as possible!

"I'm warning you! I put up a worthy fight!" I saw the tip of her speak poke out from the side of the crate.

I let out a startled squeak, covering my mouth. Dammit.

"Ah-ha! Found you, you scoundrel!" She pointed her spear at me, glaring. "Now, who are - huh? A boy? Wait..." She squinted at me. Then, her face flushed in horror. "Oh, my gods! Y-you're Prince Chrom!"

I gulped, sitting up. "Y-yup, th-that's me..."

She quickly dropped her spear and bowed. "A thousand apologies, Milord! I-I had no idea that it was you! Please, forgive me!"

With shaky legs, I managed to stand. "I-it's alright..." I tried to still my trembling the best I could. "I-I'm not even supposed to be here."

She looked up. "Pardon me, Milord, but what are you doing here?"

My palms became really sweaty. "U-uh, well... I needed to borrow a sword..." I scratched the back of my head.

The girl nodded. "Oh, of course!" She walked over to the barrel and handed me a practice blade. "Is that all?"

Thank the gods... If this were anyone else, I would be hauled to Emmeryn as we speak! "Yes! Thank you, um..."

She bowed once more. "Cordelia. It is an honor to assist you, Milord."

I smiled. "Thank you, Cordelia," I said. "And, um, can we keep this a secret between us? I'm technically not supposed to have this?"

A bit of blush colored her cheeks. "Y-yes! Absolutely! Of course!" She attempted to compose herself. "It'll be our little secret!"

"I owe you one!" I began to take off, but I turned back swiftly. "And I know it's not my place to say, but please: take a break. Doing nothing but training constantly will do you no good. Rest for a bit, ok? For me?"

Her blush returned. "Y-yes, Milord. I'll do as you say. I'll try taking a break."

"Good." Quickly looking around for anyone, I dashed back into the castle, sword in my arms.

I did it! That was really nice of Cordelia. Still, I really hope she keeps the secret. I can get in big trouble if anyone finds out what I've been doing. Oh, well. I can trust her. I wonder if I'll see more of her?


Dun dun dun. So now we have Cordelia! For the past week, I've been going through as many support conversations as I can to get some backstories and chapter ideas. I'm really excited to have Cordelia. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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