Little cutie

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Hey Hey heres another part to this story i hope you enjoy it and sorry for any mistakes! 

so i was at school today and i was sitting with this girl in my business lesson and she goes Emily have you had your eyebrows done? and i was like no i do them myself and she starts going omg they are soo good like how do you get them so even? and then she goes wait turn to the side! and i awkwardly turned my head and she goes YOU BITCH! and im like whaaat? and she goes you're such a bitch your skin is perfect and im like uhh thanks and she goes you are so lucky you don't wear make up and you are so pretty like swap with me Emily.... wierdest business lesson of my life!

enjoy :*

I finished in the shower and walked out with a towel hung low on my hips and my hair dripping, I grabbed my boxers and pulled them up and pulled my jeans up and then moved the towel across my chest before pulling my top on and buttoning it up. I dried my hair and grabbed my bag and threw my wet towel in my locker and gym clothes and slammed it shut and left the changing rooms and headed to my second lesson which was maths. I walked down the corridors of the high school and sighed maybe I could get away with not showing up today? I just can't be fucked with this today. Instead of going to maths I walked to the front of the school and went back to my car and got inside and decided to go to the warehouse and try and do some business... I could use some money.

I sped through the roads of California weaving in between cars trying to get to the warehouse as quick as possible, I might also see if the gang knows anything about that girl that I've never seen before... how could I have not seen her... maybe because she hasn't thrown herself at you?, yeah probably that. I pulled up into the warehouse parking lost and parked my car in the empty parking lot, I got out and shut the door behind me not locking it... no one was going to come in here. I unlocked the warehouse door and walked in and went straight into dad office, I grabbed the phone and listened to the messages “ Hello Hunter this is Davey, we want to know how much the drugs will cost?, call me back as soon as possible” I smiled and rang the number back “ Hello Hunter, glad you could get back to me, so whats the price this time?” I chuckled “ hello this is Hunter's son Jessie, Hunter is in England for a year and I'm in charge. I've been looking at drug prices and the cost for this Lot will be $500,000 is that okay with you?” I asked smiling to myself knowing very well that this lot should only cost $250,000 “hmm, well that does seem a bit expensive but we have a deal, I hope these are the best quality” I laughed “ they wouldn't be anything less from the best Davey, where do you want to meet?” I asked “ I will be at the warehouse in an hour, make sure they're ready for me”.

I hung the phone up and got out of the seat and started to walk to the other side of the warehouse where all the drugs were stored, I grabbed the keys from my pocket and unlocked the door and looked in the room at all the packs of drugs stored in boxes. This was the first time that I had actually seen them dad didn't want me in this part just yet but never mind, we are running a business here?. I grabbed three large boxers full of drugs worth $250,000 and pushed them into dads office and waited for Davey to get here with the money... I'm just hoping he doesn't realize that this isn't worth the money. I know from the paper that Davey is from a gang that does a lot of dealing and they always buy drugs from here.

There was a knock on the office door and a fat guy walked in “ so your Jessie?” I nodded “ yeah I am, you're Davey?” he nodded “ that I am, I have the money here” he said holding up two large brief cases “ the drugs are in those boxers” I said pointing to the three large boxes sitting by the door “ it was nice doing business with you” he said placing the brief cases on the desk. I pulled them forward and looked in side seeing all the money, I pulled out a note and checked if it was real... which it was “ so I will be hearing from you soon?” I asked “ yeah, when I have shifted this lot”.

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