Well That was unexpected

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Hey sorry it took forever to update and i know i said i would update last week but an unexpected business exam came up which was super important as im doing that after i finish school!

so its getting closer and closer to exam so soon updating will stop completely for a couple of months well until the 10th of june thats my last exam! so this story will be put on hold for a while! so im sorry education is everything and i want a good one and all my time will go towards revising.

anyway heres the update I'll try and make it long

Hunters pov

Amber's dad and sister were sat both looking at me with so much curiosity in their eyes, how do I explain that they are going to go in hiding in Italy whilst we sort out this gang?. Its not something that is easy to explain to a family that you just met, this is so different to when it was just Ember and I. We could just leave whenever we needed and were always able to have the gang follow because the amount of money we had, we never had children or Jessie's girlfriends family to deal with. It was Just us two and the gang.

"Sorry to pull you out of your thoughts but why exactly have I just had to pack all my things as well as my daughters and leave my house?" I chuckled

"well I'll introduce myself first, I'm Hunter parker" her dad lent forward and shook my hand.

"paul" (sorry I'm not sure if ive given him a name yet but i forgot if i did)

"well Paul, we have a situation which involves my family and now your family have been bought into it due to the fact that Jessie is dating Amber. What I'm going to tell you will probably be scared but its okay because we have everything under control"

he crossed his arms and sighed

"okay well please explain, Im confused with all this"

Im not sure what my opinion is on this man.

"Long story short, Jessie and Amber had been spotted together by a rival gang and now are after the both of them and want to kill them as well as my wife and daughter and now you and your daughter. We have to go to Italy with my gang and most likely my wife Embers friend Xaviers gang."

Pauls face dropped and he grabbed a hold of Iona.... seems like someone has a favourite child.

"No, we're not going. Iona is not leaving school and neither is Amber."

I rolled my eyes

"Amber will be killed if she stays here and so will you and Iona, you have no choice if you are going or not" I sighed

"No, they are not your kids. I will call the police"

I grabbed his collar and got into his face.

"Firstly sir, I will not be defied you are coming with us if you like it or not, I will not have someone as weak as you say no to me. I'm only taking you two with us because your daughter is dating my son and they are happy together I dont want her being left parentless like Ember and I were. I'll give you a heads up Embers parents were beheaded by a gang because they knew Ember imagine what will happen to you and your daughter"

I let go of his collar and took a breath to calm myself down and watched a lump go down his throat and he nodded.

"okay we will come" he whispered

"you were coming anyway" Ember said coming to stand next to me

Paul looked at Ember and his eyes widened and his pupils widened, no way was he thinking he could try it on with my wife.

I cracked my knuckles and he looked at me and I raised my eyebrow at him.

"we leave tomorrow, Jessie will show you where you can sleep tonight" I turned to Jessie and frowned.

The life of Jessie ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now