So you mean they waited eighteen years?

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Hey Hey! litrally Ive got so much work to do but i honestly cant be bothered :') Im gunna wait till monday :') #RebelLife

anyway Enjoy this chapter! ( gang stufff :O)


I pulled up outside the warehouse and looked around, a few cars were here but not enough, one hour thats all they've got.

I opened my car door and stepped out and slammed it shut behind me, Anger couldn't describe i was feeling right now.

I stormed over to the warehouse door and kicked it open and walked through to see just over half the men here, the guys went quiet immediatly and all looked at me. They couldprobably see the rage in my eyes, I think most of the drivers did on the way here... yeah i was speeding.

"whats happened boss?" James asked coming out of the group of guys

"I need everyone here first"

"well everyone said thay can make it except Nick because his wife is in labour..." i sighed

"he will still be in the gang because he has a reason, anybody eles will be out if they have a legit reason to why they are late"

"everyone get a seat i think we are going to be here a while" I demanded and everyone went off in different ways grabbing chairs and bean bags... yeah this wasn't your usual warehouse that was just full of boxers and cold floors.

This warehouse was actually really cool, from the outside it looks like a dump from the inside its like the perfect guy hang out.

More and more of the guys came through the door and immediatly grabbed seat and sat with the guys and i, any men who had yet to come only had 10 minuets left and time was ticking fast. I think its about five more guys left.


The hour was up and Five guys came running through the door, I stood up and pointed back at the door.

"your late, out!" I shouted

"Sir, we were on the other side Of town, then we got stuck in traffic so we had to take to longer route here. Boss please don't kick us out we've been in this gang for a few years now and these guys are like our family... please"

I took a deep breath.

"This one time, any other time the you are out straight away no excuses".

They sighed in relief and ran to get a chair.

I stood up from my chair and took a deep breath.

"you are all probably wondering why i got all of you here in such short notice" The guys nodded and I continued.

"you see this morning I recieved a note from another gang, Have any of you heard about NYC Assassini?" I questioned and they nodded their heads.

I pointed to James who had his hand up.

"Explain who they are please" I said and James stood up.

"Hunter told me about them a few years ago, he said that the leader was jealous of him because he was powerful in the gang world. The leader of NYC Assassini who i can't recalls name wanted to attack your gang but he changed his mind when he found out your mom was pregant, he just disapeared and your dad never heard of him again, but Hunter did keep tabs on the gang but nothing came from the gang; your dad just thought they gave up and went to bother someone else. Why do you ask about them?"

I cursed under my breath, its obvious that he was waiting till i was old enough so he could attack when i became the leader.

" I was in homeroom this morning and my homeroom teacher gave me a note that was from NYC Assassini saying that they are coming and are going to kill everyone including Amber and you guys so he can have the gang, thats why you are all here. This will not happen and everyone of you have to keep your gaurd up and carry a gun, we are going to fix this and get that bastard gang before they get mine. None of you are to contact Hunter about this, he can't know he will come back and wont let me have the gang. I'm going to handle this"

The guys looked at each other and nodded.

"boss, whos Amber?" James asked

"My girlfriend, who is now in danger. Who doesn't have a day job?" I questioned and a few guys put their hands up.

"you guys are going to follow Amber around and make sure shes safe, I will show you her. At the moment she doesn't know about the gang and she wont for a while you have to be secretive about this, I don't want anything to happen to her. Understood?" They nodded

"I don't want her out of your sight when she goes out by her self"

The 10 men who i had picked nodded " can we discuss the timetable of who watches her later?, we need to know whos going when" I nodded.

"As soon as we have come up with a temporay plan to keep this gang away whilst we think of a plan to get rid of them for good"

Trust something like this to happen just as mom and dad and Ty leave, all the people who are an expert in this.

"Right i need you to split into groups, all the people who are good on computers and hacking into one group, all the people who are good at sneaking around into another and everyone who is good with snipers into another and all the others will be attackers when the time comes okay. get into groups!"

The men pulled their chairs along the floor and got into groups, they knew which group they belonged to because dad all gave them jobs when they started and they were put into a certain group.

"I'm going to come round each group and tell you my plan and hackers you must start straight away, you are our main men and we are counting on you" They all said a round of yes boss.

I dragged my hands down my face and slumped down into the seat, I just took over the gang and I'm already in the shit with another gang that I've never heard of!. Why the fuck did dad not tell me about these people?. The worse thing is I'm only eighteen and I've already got a gang after me and my girl, she hasn't even done anything and they are after her!. I haven't done anything but this is what this business is all about when you go into it, you risk your life and the ones you love just to feel powerful and be the strongest in your country.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out reading the text message.

" hey, ugh sorry to bother you Jessie I just wanted to know how things were going with the decorator?"

I smiled at Ambers awkward text and remembered our date tonight, I know what I'm going to do and its going to be special. It's our first date after all!.

I looked at the time and realised that it was coming up to lunch time and I promised Amber that I would be back for lunch. I looked across the warehouse and made a decision.

" listen up everyone!" I called and the room feel silent.

" I've got to get back, so tomorrow I will tell you the plan for now just work on training harder and getting use to the gums you will be using. Here tomorrow at eight"

I turned on my heels and walked to the main entrance Of the warehouse.

" and don't forget to keep an eye on Amber, I will email you her address" I called out.

I left the warehouse and got into my car and made my journey back to school.

Whatever happens Amber will not die, she's got so much to experience.

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Emillyyy :*

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