Ride that mattress baby

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Hey hey I'm still ill! Whoop -_- anyway i thought i would update because i have nothing else to do and i wanted to update! :D

I feel like I've lost some readers :( which upsets me so please share my stories with your friends! So they can share with people!.

I've never been someone to say i want ten votes on this chapter before i update again but i might have to because i don't know if anyone is actually reading :/

Anyway enjoy this chapter :)

The day went by in a blur and it was already the end of the day meaning it was time to meet with Ty, I already knew what he was going to say so I wasn't really that bothered.

I pulled up outside the warehouse and saw Ty standing by the door waiting for me to arrive seeing as i had the keys to the door, I pushed open the car door and grabbed my phone before shutting the door and walking over to Ty.

Ty looked so much more older than dad, he had less grey hair and less wrinkles whereas Ty did.

"Afternoon Ty"

"Alright Jessie, how was school?" Ty had always been like an uncle to me, but as his son started to get older he got jealous so Ty and I only spoke at the warehouse.

"Yeah its going alright, the norm. Anyway we have issues to discuss so lets go on in" I unlocked the door and Ty followed behind me to my office.

I pushed the key into my office door and unlocked it and walked straight to the chair behind the desk, this room was pretty dark I have no clue why dad has it like this.

I grabbed the papers that had all the details of the recent drug deal I did with Davey and pushed them in front of Ty. Ty's eyes scanned across the top piece of paper before he slowly pushed it to the side and looked through the papers.

"Jessie, why did you sell them for more?. We already sell them above the price they are sold for! You just doubled that!" Ty argued.

"I thought it was a good idea, the deal was done a few days ago and he hasn't called surely that's a good thing?" I questioned and Ty just groaned.

"He gives the products two Weeks to sell, if they don't at least make the money back they bought the drugs for they come after the gang who sold them. Jessie Davey was our biggest customer and you could've fucked this up for us, if Hunter finds out he will.. i don't know what he will do"

I looked at Ty and silently cursed under my breath, if Davey doesn't sell the product i'm dead.

"Then i need to give Davey his 300,000 back, that way he can't charge me if he made his money back" I stated getting up from my chair.

"And how do you explain you over charged him?"

"I'm a newby at this shit right?, I will just say I got the prices mixed up and the 300,000 will be in his account in a day" Ty smirked at me.

"You are just like your father, you better get on that phone boy".

I left Ty in the office and grabbed my mobile and clicked on Davey's contact and called him, not long after the first ring Davey answered.

"Jessie, why must i get a call from you at such a random hour?" I chuckled.

"Well you see, I was just going over the prices for drugs and it seems I over charged you. I know you are angry but i want to apologize it is my first ever time doing this and as a sorry I will put the 300,000 thousand back into your account and it should be in there by morning" I said hoping he bought the lie.

The life of Jessie ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now