1st May 2012

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Dear Bob,

Three weeks in paradise and I'm feeling normal again. Actually, better than normal. I'm happy; probably the best I've been in a long, long time. Logan agreed to let me test myself against him in a bit of one on one training and over the last few days, I've been swimming. Not just, oh we're near a beach lets splash around kind of swimming, like laps. I hurt now because I'm out of shape. A month or so off, and I'm back at the start. It sucks, and when I spoke to Zane yesterday, he offered to put me through some fitness training when I get back.

I told him I already nearly died, and that I didn't want to go through that again. He thought I was joking. I wasn't. Going for a morning jog is torture enough, and the swimming is making my body turn to goo I'm that tired from it. We also made use of the hotel gym yesterday and well, I've just lost fitness. Apart from that I'm 100% certain I'm all fixed up.

I'm still having those weird dreams I told you about the other day. They're not like Dracula dreams, but they feel just as real. Leo is always there, testing me. Obstacle courses, zombies chasing me, being stuck underground while water comes in and I have to get out... You know, that kind of thing. I woke up with a fresh bruise the other day and tried calling him cause I am wondering if there was something else going on, but he never answers or calls back. I asked Dad to check it out, but apparently Leo didn't want to talk to him.

Guess what I'm going to do when I get home?

Logan is finally letting me help him with the mermaids too. He's just gone into town to get some diving equipment of our own so we can try to find them as they've disappeared since the first time he met with them. I'm just hoping that we don't have to do a lot because even though I won't admit it to Logan, and I guess I didn't even admit it to you looking back up at what I just wrote, I'm not really fully healed.

He worries too much, and I know they all care, but everyone is driving me mental with all the how are you feeling questions. I am on my way to getting better though, hoping some positive thinking will get it happening quicker and you know what they say - fake it till you make it!

Well Logan just got back and I really hope we aren't drowned by those fishy bitches. I probably shouldn't call them that if we do find them.... If something does happen, it was good while it lasted Bob! xx

Elise Bunting
(Mermaid Whisperer in the making?)


Quick Note: I made the cover and felt like posting it lol ... Updates will be coming soon, February if not before. Summary sucks too, but they always do.

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