22nd May 2012

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Dear Bob,

I'm currently hiding in the werewolf realm because I am too scared to leave. So much for being Elise the brave, the strong, the selfless, the fucking Hunter who isn't like the other fucking Hunters.


Logan (reluctantly) left to go back home because he doesn't agree with us hiding here. Paytah is being too nice, fake nice, the kind of nice that you are to people who make you uncomfortable, but you feel bad for so you put a smile on your face and wait for them to go away. I saw, dreamt, who fucking knows about his dead mum, so yeah, bet you understand all that awkwardness now.

Dear Future Readers,

I bet you really love my fucking journals now. Every teenage angst, HBO worthy, pathetically written page of Bob. I skimped on details of that night. I put a bit more info in here about, that night part two, and depending on when you're reading this, I'm either the Hunter that GODS! killed, the Hunter that, I dunno, KILLED GODS, or judging from what I learnt from Taini - the Hunter than became a GOD.

Actually, what am I stressing about?

Incase you don't get the audio edition of this book, I am insanely laughing right now. If this is an audiodiary, they better put me fucking laughing in it. 





I bet Alistair never saw that one coming.

I bet Reece didn't expect him being all noble and draining me dry before getting zapped into oblivion resulting in him dying would be the trigger point for what ever is next for me. 

Downside to being werewolf land... it's no where near drunkland so I'm dealing with all this sober.

Fuck. My. Life.

Elise Bunting. 
(goddess in the making?)

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