Chapter Twenty-Six

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iBob was slipped into my bag as Raya waved at me from across the cafe. I waved back and she quickly made her way over to our table. Her smile was infectious and for a tiny second, I realised making new year resolutions before I had to, seemed to be a good way in turning them into some kind of reality. For example, I was currently catching up and just hanging out with one of my best friends who was not a supernatural creature and hasn't wanted to kill me at some point in the past. Not that I've been aware of anyway.

"Hey El, how are you?" She reached over and we hugged, looking like two totally normal, non-demon fighting women catching up for a coffee. The novelty of it all was surprising.

"I'm great! You?" 

"I'm pregnant!" Raya blurted as she sat down. Instantly she slapped her hands over her mouth, but her eyes were bright with excitement and she was soon laughing at herself. "Sorry. I was going to wait to tell you, but I couldn't!"

"Pregnant? With a baby?" I stupidly asked as my brain seemed to go on vacation for a few seconds. "Oh my god, Raya! That's great! I mean, congratulations!"

I laughed with her and gave her another hug. "Thanks, Keiran is over the moon. I had to practically sneak out to come and see you today. He's gone all super over protective. It's insane."

"Well, you can't really blame him for that can you?" We both turned serious and I hated that I just ruined the moment, so tried to fix it. "You're his wife, carrying his kid. Man instincts."

She smiled again, though it wasn't like before. "Well he better back off a bit. We've got another twenty something weeks to go."

Ordering food became a chore as I felt a little sick beside my glowing friend. I was on Keiran's side and calling him now to come and get her, and then lock her up for, I dunno, ever, seemed like a great idea. The fact they were still alive and heading towards thirty was an achievement on it's own. They were married and in love and together. Now, they would have a tiny, defenseless infant to carry around; not only that, she had nine months of pregnancy to get through and that bump would act like a target to our enemies. I was terrified for my friend and I wondered how far she'd thought about all of this. 

"Keiran said if it's a boy he wants to call him Grant." Raya mused dreamily, sipping her tea.

"That's a nice idea." Thinking of Grant, Keiran's dad only made my stomach tighten.

Thinking back to when we first met in the underground, the trio had been close. Grant had loved Raya as if she was his own flesh and blood, not just his daughter in law. They'd only been down there because she was injured and I could still remember how scared he'd been not just for her, but for his son too. "I don't know what will happen to Kieran if anything does happen to her."

It wasn't just Raya that Keiran had to worry about now, and the urge to protect my friends once again became all I could think about. Maybe I could work out something with Cain, a white card of safety for my nearest and dearest to be excused from all the fighting. Could there be a realm they could all just go to and be safe? How Raya was able to remain so calm and hopeful was beyond me, yet some how a part of me knew she would be okay. They had survived this long too, I hadn't been alone through all those battles; the fact they were still here now is all on them.

"You've gone quiet and I know that's never a good thing." Raya interrupted.

"Just, thinking."

"About?" She quizzed, putting down her fork.

"Honestly, I want to ship you guys off to another realm where nothing can hurt you. Keep you as far away from me as I can manage too, I'm jinxed to be around." I admitted.

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