Chapter 12.

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Louis woke up on someone's lap, in a not so comfortable position if I add. He looked around. he was in the back of the car with Harry and Niall. It was dark outside, the headlights ahead of them off. They weren't driving anymore, they were on the side of the road, Liam and Zayn kissing each-other softly as that put a pillow down in the middle and laid their heads on it.

Louis looked over at Harry, smiling a little when he noticed he was asleep. He gently straddled Harrys lap, gently caressing his face with his soft small hands. Harry hummed happily and his eyes opened a little, glowing a bit because of a street lamp right next to them.

Harry smiles at Lou tiredly and grabs his hand, kissing the back softly before turning it over and kissing his palm. He slowly trailed his kisses down to Lou's fingertips, smiling when he noticed the diamond ring on his finger. The exact one that 'marcel' bought before he 'died.'

"Hmm... I didn't know that you wear this..." Harry said, kissing the diamond on the ring and trailing kisses up Lou's arms.

"I-I always have... Means alot to me. I loved you and- and when I thought..." Harry kisses Lou gently, nodding his head at him and smiling softly. "S'okay. M'back an I won't leave." Harry whispers.

"T-that's what Marcel said when I first met him..." Louis whispered softly. Harry frowns and places Lou's head in the crook of his neck.

"But m'not leaving you baby... I'm not even joking. You mean alot to me." Harry whispered.

"That's what he said too!" Louis let out a loud sob, All the stress from earlier today and since Harry took him had been building and breaking him. Harry rushed to calm him down, pulling his head back into the crook of his neck, kissing his ear, whispering sweet words, even playing with his hair. But Harry never told Louis to stop crying, just to try not to be so loud. He knew exactly what Lou needed, and that was another fourteen hours away.

Harry rubbed Lou's back gently, making Lou calm down enough to not wake anyone from their sleep. Louis raised his arm to wrap around Harry's neck, sobbing quietly into his neck. Harry just rocked him back and forth, watching as Lou fell asleep like this.

And as horrible as it sounds, he was kind of cute. His little nose was red and sniffly, the tears on his eyelashes making them look long and fuller... The way his face was bent down a little made him look innocent, the way his cheek was placed in Harry's shoulder, which will no doubt leave a print on Louis' cheek.

Harry fell asleep holding Lou. He actually cracked the window so the cool air can get to Lou's burning body. The crying, no doubt, wearing him out to the point where he would get sweaty.

At about six A.M. They were moving again, Zayn driving as Liam slept. Harry was awake again, watching Lou to make sure that he was okay. His eyes were still puffy and his mouth was open to we're he was drooling a little but Harry was sure, louis was the most beautiful human being he's ever met.

Louis started to whine as the hit a few bumps on the highway, Harry rocking him to sooth him a little. Niall was awake and coloring, patting Lou's knee every few minutes to comfort Lou.

'It's alright mumma Lou... I gotcha...' He would whisper every now and then. Zayn would coo a little and continue driving. Louis mouth would open a little more every few minutes, it would open to the point Harry would take two fingers and gently push his chin up so his mouth was just open a little. Harry would chuckle a soft chuckle when Louis would try to move his head to protest.

Louis woke up around eight O'clock. His stomach growling a little, and that was not okay according to Harold. Harry had Zayn pull through a drive through and had him get something for Lou. Louis whines as the smell got to his nose and he reached for the Mc.Donalds hash-brown that smelled good enough for him.

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