Weeds - Chapter Eighteen

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After my mom picked me up from Kirks loft we stopped at a small French restaurant for dinner, I was already on my second bread basket since I refused to eat any French food that wasn’t bread or fries and since they didn’t sell fries I was stuck to French bread. 

"You should try some escargot," My mom recommended , sliding one of the slimy snails onto her silver wear. 

Two things were wrong with that picture, first the creatures she was eating weren't meant to be eaten and second silver wear, I hate silverware.  I might sound completely crazy but silverware always left a weird taste in my mouth and ruined the food, I always liked plastic utensils . 

"I'm good," I said popping half a bread stick into my mouth. 

My mom shrugged and continued eating.  

The restaurant freakishly small, with only six tables , it was packed to maximum capacity. It was designed in a way that made it look even smaller then it was, with huge gold rimmed painting hanging from the walks and velvet covered floors it felt like being in a closet. 

My mom leaned back and whipped the corners of her mouth with the linen napkin, "Are you planning on attending the show tomorrow night?"  

I shrugged, "Do you want me to?" 

Vivenne Stone fashion shows was a place where even the highest of elites wanted to be seen at, my mom would never want to risk having any of her precious followers to meet me, the daughter that was not taking over Stone Fashion. 

And surprising not only me, but herself my mother nodded. 

I decided not question her and went back to my bread eating. Three croissants, four bread sticks and two rolls later , we were on our way home in the back of one of grandfathers black window tinted Audis. 

Adam, the driver pulled up in front of the hotel and my mother stepped out gracefully, I followed suit, almost tripping when I saw a flicker of caramel brown hair in my peripheral vision. Sure in a city like New York a large percentage had to have that specific tone of 7-5 brown but I couldn’t help but wonder. 

 The door man opened the doors and I offered him a small smile. 

Upon entering the penthouse I was rewarded with the sound of complete and utter silence, Emma was reading a book on the couch and Logan was probably asleep by that time . There was no sign of Bridget. 

Saying good night to both mom and Emma I made my way to my room, laying myself to sleep I found not letting my mind sleep.  

I had obviously forgiven Cole  but I still couldn’t help but wonder his reason for leaving, was there even a reason? Cole was such a confusing character in my life, I cared about him too much, to the point where I was actually persistent about knowing what was wrong. I knew I had to let it go, move on, but that was hard to do. 

Elliott; sweet, try's to be scary,  strawberry milk drinking Elliott. What even was the deal with him?  We were barely friends and yet he was more of a friend to me than Danielle had been in three years. Elliott was someone out of the ordinary, he wasn't some amazing quote spitting machine in fact he wasn’t much of a talker as he was a doer but what he did could really make me stop and think sometimes. 

West, I wasn't stupid or coy enough to say I hadn't picked up the signs that West liked me, for reasons I did not understand but he still did. I had had a crush on West since the eight grade and never had he ever made a move to talk to me until now, sure I wasn’t the hearts and flowers type of person and I didn’t squeal with happiness that he showed interest but that didn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it. 

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