Chapter 15: his demon.

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I stood and watched as Zayn hovered over Marcel, I know that he truly loved him but something deep down within him was preventing him from loving the boy. Every time something good happens to them, Zayn or someone he knows seems to stuff it up. It was simple enough to see that he loved the boy, not to mention the fact that he would do anything for him, but the demon of his past keeps coming back to ruin everything, the only thing that he can do is fight it and make sure that he fixes his past before he begins his future.

It wasn't going to be easy for him, considering his past is very shaken up. If anyone could read my thoughts, they'd be wondering how I know so much about him. Truth is, although I swear that he hates me most of the time, we're the closest out of all the boys. He tells me everything, I'm like his diary and he's the pen. If ever he's had a bad day he can come to me, he can tell me everything and I’ll listen. I know this all sounds so cliché and off, but it's the truth.

I look over towards Immi, she looks so out of place. I probably shouldn't have brought her here with us, she probably feels do you put it, useless. I wrap an arm Round her shoulder and squeeze it lightly, making her turn towards me. "You can leave if you want to" I whispered, I didn't want her to be bored. "Really, are you sure?" She whispered back. I simply nodded and said "I'm positive, it better than standing in silence with him" I pointed to Zayn and joked making her laugh lightly. With that she grabbed her bag, said her goodbyes and left.

After she left I talked to Lou, Liam and Niall, asking them if they could give me a minute with Zayn. This wasn't unusual for them, they simply nodded and said a few "byes" before exiting the room. "Zayn mate, how are you?" I asked, walking over to him and placing a palm to his shoulder.

What happened next surprised me, I mean really surprised me.

He shoved my hand away and stood up, angry eyes glared my way. It was like he was possessed, quite possibly with his previously stated demon. "DONT EVEN ASK HOW I AM HARRY!" He growled, his hands bawled at his hips and he headed straight towards me. To say he scared me would be an understatement, he had been angry before but never like this. The veins in his neck became prominent, the same happening within his arms.

I backed away slowly, I didn't want to start any trouble. "Okay Zayn, I'm sorry...” I spoke, hopefully calming him down. Well that didn't work, "SHUT UP HARRY, CAN'T YOU SEE I'M IN PAIN, I COULD HAVE POSSIBLY KILLED HIM!" he screamed, lurching towards me. Suddenly my back was against the wall and a splitting sound took over my ears. It was Zayn, he had just punched the wall. I breathed in deeply at the thought of almost being hit, but it was shortly before I had to doge another hit.

The demon in himself was taking over, possessing all of him. I had to help, I had to snap him out of this, even if it meant copping a few hits to the head. I quickly thought on where to behind, a thought instantly coming to mind. "Zayn...he's not dead, he's just in a coma, and he’s fine!" I spoke. His features slightly wavered but they didn't change, this demon was strong.

"NO HARRY HES NOT FINE, HES GONE, HES NEVER GOING TO BE THE SAME EVER AGAIN!!" He screamed, pain began to churn in his chest. His eyes softened the tiniest bit and his hand clutched his chest, he was bent over in agony as the demon fought to control over him.

I knew that if I kept talking to him he could beat the demon, at least which was what I had presumed. "He is fine Zayn and he's not gone either, when he wakes up he's still going to be the same dorky, innocent Marcel" I spoke.

The sudden weaver of hit featured happened again, this time the pain in his chest was worse, the demon was losing and it wasn't going to take long before it was gone. "GAHH HE HE’S HE’S GON-" he tried to yell, the demon inside of him faltering.

I looked behind him to see Marcel waking up, "Zayn...he's awake" I whispered. His demon had since diminished, leaving him to return to his usual self with his soft brown eyes. I watched as he rushed to his side, taking Marcel's hand in his own and using the pad of his thumb to rub soft circles on his palm.

I smiled at the gesture, it was small but beautiful and so full of love. I let them talk while I left to find the boys, I felt bad leaving them outside for so long and I should probably warn them about Zayn.

Did everyone hear about Harry's nana passing away, it's so sad but she's in a better place now.


Much love my little pumpkins, ily.


~stay weird.

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