Chapter 27 - The Recall Pack

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We sit at the edhe of the forest, waiting for the Recall Pack to show up. I know a little bit about them, but it doesn't help as I don't know their scents. If their alpha is with them, I'll be able to tell when he is closer. Besides that, the biggest thing that does concern me is the alliance between the Recall Pack and Neil's. This makes it more difficult since they aren't suppose to attack eachother unless they don't listen to the other. To my knowledge, they're on good terms.

I look over to Neil, thinking now would be the time to fit in a question or two. "Neil, don't you have an alliance with this pack?" I ask him, just to make sure. Perhaps he doesn't anymore, then I will have to change my records.

Neil nods, keeping his head up. "Not after today, I will tell you why later," he says in a serious tone. No, I want to know now. We have some time before they come and I- "Please, later," he adds, probably guessing I'd be thinking about asking again.

I groan, feeling impatient and agitated. Just come already so we can beat the shit out of you and I can find my pack. My wolf feels as angry as I am at this point, we cannot be sad anymore. Niel places his face close to mine making me look into his dark eyes, "I can feel your emotions," he simply says. I nod, taking in a deep breath to calm myself down. Let's not piss of him off.

Soon enough new scent fill my nose to the brim and shadows could be see on the edge of the forest. There are a lot of wolves, many more than Neil's wariors. Hopefully the wolves on our side are stronger. The largest of them approaches us, the alpha- Zachery. His pack is stubborn from what I have heard. They do what they want and it makes me wonder how well alliances work with them.

He faces Neil, "Well hello there," he says, sounding very cocky. My body shivers slightly, feeling the power radiating off him. Unlike me, where sunshine and flowers are probably coming off me. I'm not an Alpha just yet.

Neil takes a step forward, almost challenging Zachery to a fight. Oh dear, is it better him than me? Probably, but it makes me feel guilty that I can't protect myself. "Did you forget already, I told you not to fucking attact my mate's pack," he pauses, getting closer to the alpha. Although Zachery doesn't back down or even look nervous. "Now look at the stupid decision you've made, it is going to get you killed," he continues to taunt.

My eyes go wide, not really expecting death to occur to an alpha today. I don't believe Neil will just directly attack him though, that would be foolish as the Recall Pack warriors could gang up on him.

Alpha Zachery backs up slightly, not liking how close my mate is getting to him. "What the hell do you mean?" He growls, his eyes almost as dark as night. His wolf is out and we all know it. That could mean a lot of things, but the most likely thing to happen is for his wolf to lose control and attack. We will see.

If Neil was in his human form right now, he would be smirking. His cocky tone tells it all, "I, Alpha Neil of the Blood Pack- challenge you, Alpha Zackery of the Recall Pack, for the position of Alpha," he says. Everybody looks shocked at what he had just said, even his own warriors. As for me, I'm confused. What does it mean to challenge an Alpha for the position of Alpha? They're both Alphas already.

Alpha Zachery sits down and looks sharply at Neil. "And what if I don't accept?" He asks, probably hoping that there is a way out of whatever this is. I highly doubt that though, Neil doesn't seem like one to pity.

"Then I will murder every single pack member of yours, leaving no survivors- except you. I'd make you sit there and watch, possibly having all your little pack members watch you live perfectly fine. Just think of all that guilt you will gather- just because of your pathetic stubborness to destroy packs," Neil says, circling around Zackery. The opposing warriors glance at eachother, some even gulping. Now it makes me wonder what's on the line for him to say that. As well as, what the fuck? No wonder there are all those rumors about the Blood Pack. Neil, my mate, sounds ruthless. Everyone includes children, he is willing to kill children over this...

Alpha Zackery quickly shakes his head, "You fucking piece of shit! Don't you dare or I will murder your bastard ass mate-"

A loud thump is heard as Neil tackles Zackery to the forest floor, practically roarong in his face. "If you fucking lay a finger on my mate then I will destroy your whole pack along with you, got that you low life Alpha?" He yells at the other's face, "it is either your life or your packs." He must be talking about that alpha position fight thing from earlier. From what I can tell, they would have to fight. Adding that onto the alpha position part, maybe the winner would take the other alpha's position and the pack. Holly shit, I feel brilliant.

Silence fills the air as Alpha Zachery decides the fate of many people. Normally, anybody would hope for a hero, but he doesn't deserve one for trying to attack my pack, my people. "I, Alpha Zackery of the Recall pack, accept your challenge," he sighs, sounding defeated. I can commend a wise decision.

The warriors of each pack slowly back up till they're a fair distance away. I look up at Neil, who's doing the same to me. "This will be brutal baby, you don't have to watch," he says with a concerned tone. My heart melts when he calls me baby. I'll be remembering that for the rest of the day. I walk away to join the guards. He hasn't shown me much of his pack and stuff, but he sure does make a fine mate.


Fluffin' muffin.

I have muffins.

I am happy.


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