Chapter 3 - Rogues

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My pens taps against my desk as I stare into the solid wood door intensely, waiting for some sort of news to distract me from my thoughts. A few minutes pass with the wind rattling my windows and then I hear a knock. Finally, something hopefully. "Come in," I shout to my Beta on the other side of the door. His scent gave him away and after knowing him for so long, I could probably distinguish who it was by his knock.

Braydon opens the door and enters the room, closing it behind him. "We have found a group of rogues in an area of territory you were interested in conquering, Alpha," he says, sitting down across from me, pulling out my map that I had under a pile of papers.

Well this is interesting, a group  of rogues. That does not matter though, if they dont run by the time we are there they will either be killed or made slaves. The latter is my favorite option as we have lost a fair amount recently. "Really? This is nice because the idiots here keep killing the slaves," I smirk, leaning back in my chair. Some things just fall perfectly into place.

Braydon raises an eyebrow at me and shakes him head, "But Alpha, there is rumored to be a huge amount of wolves, well over fifty Ive heard," he tells me to my surprise.

My, my, that is a lot of rogues in one place. It must be a cute little community. It is rare for groups of rogues to happen and I have never seem one so large, kind of crazy. Now the fact that they were just found sounds stupid. "Well go do what we usually do," I say, waving him off. Even though there are a lot of people there, we have even more wolves with tons more strength probably. I doubt that they have daily training sessions like us. Conquering will surely not be a problem.

Braydon gives me an unsure look and I motion him to tell me what is wrong. "Alpha, this is all rumors, we arent even-" I cut him off him sentence. Rumors are for people who have nothing better to do with their lives.

"I don't care. Go find this group of rogues, now," I growl, slamming my hand on the table. It should be a simple command. I'd love to go, but unfortunately I have to meet with another pack later for some alliance bullshit. I wonder how they will try and kiss my ass this time. Braydon quickly runs out of the room after my outburst.

Now I'm alone again, and bored. Finishing my Alpha work is a breeze, as other people do a majority of it and I merely approve.

What to do? I wait a moment before deciding on the most fun of an option. I get up and walk out of my office, feeling that I am done for the day. I can only handle so much boredom after finishing all of my work. If this alliance goes through then I will have a load of work to do. Better enjoy the free time while I can.

I walk over to my room and slowly open the door, the light seeping through so the large cage was visable. A body can be seen in the shadows of the cage, hiding in the corner. I walk over and tap on the cage, a little head lifting itself up. "It is not nice to ignore your master," I say, licking my lips. She let's out a small whimper as a response and hugs herself tighter. My room isn't exactly the warmest, I love to keep it quite cold. Just a personal preference.

I grab my key from my pocket and unlock the cage, opening the small door. "Crawl out," I command. It takes a moment for her to register, but she does. Her arms and legs shake in fear as she sits down infront of me. "Good girl," I say, ruffling her hair up, "now get on the bed." She crawls over and climbs onto my bed, to which I find hilarious. When I say crawl, I mean crawl, not stand and get on the bed and she learned that the hard way. Thankfully she wasnt stupid and tried pulling stunts, unlike other slaved who have came across my path.

She lays on the bed with her belly up, her legs far apart as well as her arms above her head. "You're learning fast," I smirk, running a finger down her arm. "Now I want you even more," I smirk. Her eyes good wide and she takes in a sharp breath. The poor girl is nervous, that's adorable.

I take off my shirt and walk around my bed to the other side and grab a whip. I hear a squeak from behind me and turn around to see fear in her now large eyes. "There's nothing to fear. If you're good, then it'll go by fast," I growl, my wolf half heartedly taking control.

He shouldnt be doing this without mate out there, but it's been almost ten years since we were suppose to find her and he cant handle that kind of wait. The sexual frustration he faces is intense. Theoretically speaking, we should have already mated to our mate by now and even have a kid. Taking that into retrospect, this is our favorite passtime to get our anger and sexual frustrations out.

I run the whip down from her breasts to her crotch. Her body visibly shakes and I lay a hand on her stomach, "Are you scared?" I ask innocently. She quickly nods with a couple tears coming from her eyes. "Awe, well that sucks. Now count for me," I say, lifting my hand and quickly bring down the whip to her stomach. She let's out a scream, moving her hands to cover the wound. Two mistakes were made, bad idea.

I let out a growl and slap her hands hard. She retracts them and begins to breath fast. "Bad choice," I say, turning back to my wall of fun and grabbing two pairs of handcuffs.

Before she could try and make a move I hop ontop of her a cuff her hands to the two sides of my bed. Pain can be seen in her face as that was almost too far for her small arms to handle, almost. I love pushing my slave's limits. "Now I'd suggest counting if you want to get through this day alive and well," I say, grabbing the whip once more and tapping it against the wall.

She hasnt played with this toy before, but she's played with many others if you catch my drift. Tears stream down her face as I whip her again, like the first time. "One," she chokes out through her sobs.

"Oh darling, why are you crying now? The fun has only begun," I chuckle, laying down the whip again, harder.

She chokes out the numbers as I continue. "Now this is what I call a good girl," I say, finishing up at around twenty. By this time her skin was bleeding in various areas and she is half concious. Her eyes begin to close as she realizes I'm finished. I think that's enough for today, I dont feel like having a perfectly good slave to die today. That would mean I'd have to spend time and train someone else.

I pick up her battered up body and place it in her cage and lock it back up.

Until next time darling.



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