Chapter 7 - The New Alpha

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The sun shines brightly and the wind blows around me, making noise as the the of the area is filled with silence. It's almost like they couldn't belive it themselves and that worries me. The fresh air doesn't feel so fresh and I feel like I'm suffocating. I don't know what to say.

Cristina turns back to me and takes a step closer, holding out her hands to me. "Well, will you be our Alpha?" She asks, with hope in her voice. I hear her nervously gulp, knowing my decision would be a mystery. This is not the kind of thing I am used to because I actually think things through. This type of thing wod be planned two monthes ahead with me.


I'm not exactly used to anything, my life constantly changing.

I turn to the crowd, taking in a deep breath. This feeling is so intense- I'm scared, anxious, curious, excited, fearful, courageous, and so many other emotions. It's all a mess! "Are you sure this what you all want?" I ask them, making sure each one of them, "speak up now, because there is no turning back after the official ceremony." This has to be 100% for it to go through smoothly.

If they all want me to be Alpha then I will gladly be one. It would be an honor since they trust me enough to protect them.

A little hand raises in the back, and I point to it, hoping that they will speak their mind. The little hand weaves through the crowd till it gets close to the front and recognize the little hand as Ferra's. She is only ten years old, but she has a lot of spunk. Her pack was going to use her as a slave once she was the age she is now. Fortunately, she escaped by burning a pack building on fire and running. That's savage 'af' if you ask me.

Once she gets close enough she speaks up, "You don't seem to like the idea of being Alpha. Why would you want to be our Alpha?" She asks me, crossing her arms.

It is a fair question. I don't know how to be an Alpha at all and it was brought up all of a sudden. "Being Alpha is kind of a crazy idea for me, since Ive been a rogue all my life. But I also think that gives me the opportunity to be an amazing Alpha since I'm technically starting from scratch," I pause, thinking of the perfect answer, "I want to be your Alpha to protect you. The political system is a lot stronger than our physical strength. The alliances we could make and the land we could keep." I guess this may not be the best answer for a ten year old, but I know Ferra will at least understand some of it. She's a bright kid.

My answer wasn't a lie or wrong by any means. It's just what I had off the top pf my head. Being pack would make us so much stronger than we are. I could protect everybody with all I got and even more. If I needed to, then I could rage a viable war.

She waits a moment, thinking it through then let's out a little 'ohh', "You're already protecting us. Like look at what you did today," she giggles, going back into the crowd. Well, that's one way to end things. Kids are so adorable, but also terrifying.

Today I did technically protect them by meeting up with the Beta by myself, at first. Although I wouldn't be able to stop them by force if they went down that path. Thankfully I talked them out of it, I just hope they dont betray the plan and attack before then. That's my biggest worry since they wouldn't be accountable since we arent a pack, yet.

I close my eyes and take in a slow, deep breath. After taking that brief moment to collect myself I walk over to Cristina's chair and climb ontop of it. The crowd silences from their whispering and look up at me. "It has been decided, we will become a pack!" I say loudly. They begin to cheer, some even hopping around. Now that is what I call enthusiasm. "This is only the beginning as we still have much to do, but as long as we work together, we can get through this with ease." I cannot do this alone, I need everybody to be with me on this.

Now the stress is just beginning because I honestly have no idea what to do.


And I honestly have no idea what to do with my life.


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