Chapter 8 - The New Pack

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Waiting is not a game I enjoying playing. I'm halfway through the stupid week of a wait and slowly being driven crazy while doing so. I could just go there now, but then she might end up resenting me. That wpuld just make my life more difficult. My Beta has tried to keep tabs on them, but they seem to have not left their borders and they dont have contact with any other rogues unfortunately.

This is irritating me and my body. I haven't played with anybody since I found out my mate has existed. It's so frustrating to have the best sex life anybody could ever imagine and then suddenly find out that I have to stop. There's a chance she could feel pain if I have sex with another girl and no doubt I would too. It's so tempting to just drag my slave back in here, but at the same time, it is also tempting to go and tskr my mate now. The second option sounds so much more pleasurable to my wolf. I hope my little mate can make up for this, later.

A knock on my office door wakes me from my trance. I look over at the door and let out a groan, "Who the hell is it?" I snap, not feeling like the effort of sniffing was worth it at the moment. This better be fast because Id like to go back to daydreaming about fucking my mate against the wall.

Braydon opens the door and peaks his head in, so this is the brat thathas to disrupt my thoughts. "I have interesting news, Alpha," he says quietly, looking a bit nervous. Since the last couple days he has been on edge about making even the most minimal of decisions. That's what you get for doing something stupid. And that's a good thing because he doesn't make the best of them.

As for the news, unless it regards my mate I'm not interested. My wolf is going nuts and it's driving me up the wall. We are both horndogs, craving for our mate without even meeting her face to face yet. "Is it that fucking important?" I ask his, placing my head in my hand boredly.

He nods, "Yes Alpha," he says. I wave my hand, motioning him to come in my office. Even though this week I have done pretty much nothing, I still have duties as an Alpha. This is the worst timing for them, but whatever, I cant just let it all pile up. I have to make sure I save time for when I meet my mate. Id give them to Braydon to take care of, but he cant do anything right this week.

He sits in the chair across from my and pulls out a map from under the piles of papers on my desk. That's an interesting way to begin things. I wonder who is expanding their territory, if they go into the rogue's area then that could mean bad news for my mate. But this is all just assumptions, I need to know the real deal. "Alpha, there is a new pack that's been formed," he starts out.

I raise an eyebrow. That is some news since not just anybody creates a new pack. There's so much to do that most people dont find it worth it. Most people dont even have enough wolves to start a pack. Another issue these idiots might face is rejection from other packs. First impressions are very important in the pack community. If this pack messes that up, then they will be destroyed quickly and we will all act like nothing happened. Shallow, yet efficient.

He waits a moment before continuing, "I believe it's the group of rogues where your mate is located," he says, avoiding my gaze.

I shoot up from my desk and slam my hands on the table. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I growl, agitated. If this is true then this changes everything. They're a bunch of idiots!

Or not. That is actually a fairly clever idea since it eliminates the possibility of me just barging in and enslaving or killing everyone if they do everything correctly. The only possible thing I could do is overthrow their pack, but I dont want a bunch of filthy wanna-bes as pack members. My best bet if for them to fail making the pack, but who knows how likely this is.

He shakes his head no, "I'm not sure who the Alpha is, would you like me to try and contact him?" He asks me with slight confidence. "If it really is that pack then the informal meeting we made will have to be made formal and announced," he adds. I wonder where that sudden confidence came from, it is not like he should be proud of not knowing who the Alpha is. I expect that information when you barhe into my residence unannounced.

But he isnt wrong, unfortunately. It should be fairly easy to contact them now though. "Yes, contact them and set up a formal meeting. I would like it if you made it the same day or sooner," I say, thinking this through. The Alpha should meet with my plans, mainly because I hold more power than him. "Also tell him to bring his whole pack," I smirk, knowing that would force my little mate to show up. Oh the surprise of a lifetime she is going to get when she sees my face and later my d-

"Yes Alpha, I'll go do that now then get back to you," he says, standing up from the chair and bowing slightly. Thank you inturrupting my thoughts again. I excuse his from my office and he leaves swiftly, prepared for the task at hand. If he failed to do this simple thing, then Id find it in my heart to fire him from his position. We have standards here in the Blood Pack.


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