Chapter 38 - Now This Is Lovin' It

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Idk what the fuck this chapter was when I wrote it, but feel free to skip it. It's just a sexy and kinly filler.

After we wrap up the conference for now, me and Gerret head back to our house. All of that stress in one room in crazy. I cannot believe how I acted. Is this what it is like to be Alpha? I feel so much more confident than I have before. For fuck's sake, I stood up to Neil! I could never imagine doing that before.

We change into our nights clothes and I get onto the bed first, wanting to snuggle the comfyness as soon as possible. My bed is my heaven.

Gerrets waits a bit before deciding to join me in an odd way. He gets the bed and pulls me closer to him by my ankles. I raise a questioning eyebrow, wondering what he is doing. This is not really the best time for sexy time.

He pulls me close to hom, our chest touching eachother. I take ina sharp breath, knowing that I was at least a little red at this point. "What you did to day was so sexy," he says, kissing one of my cheeks, "I just cant stop thinking of how you told off Neil," he kisses the other while letting out a laugh.

I bite my lip, surprised to see him acting like this. Suddenly, I feel my body being pushed against the bed. Gerret lingers over me, smiling lightly. He runs one hand from my cheek, all the way down to my stomach. His fingers lightly make circles around my belly button and I squirm, feeling ticklish in that spot.

"It's so cute to see you act like a big bad Alpha out there and then an adorable little in here," he says deeply. A shiver runs down my spine and I shut my eyes tightly, feeling embarassed. It's crazy that I can change from being fearless to a mess in a mere half hour.

He lowers his body closer to mine and begins kissing my neck in all the right places. His mouth stops right above where he would mark me and begins sucking on it lightly. My wolf lets out a howl of pain, but I let out a conflicting moan. I quickly shut that up by biting my lip, clearly embarrassed by my actions. Gerret lifts his head and looks straight at me I presume, "Are you horny already?" He chuckles.

I open my eyes slowly and see him shifting around. He lifts himself up so now he is sitting on my waist. His hands rest on my waist and he looks down at me him, his eyes dark, showing that hus wolf is taking control.

Gerret moves his hand down to the brim of my shirt and begins lifting it up. I blush and turn my head away. He chuckles and continues to completely take it off me. "This looks much better, but we still have something in the way," he says, reaching his hands around my waist and unclasping me bra. He completely takes it off and throws it off the side. I bite my lip, feeling exposed.

He eyes my body for a moment, probably as he whispers, "I can't believe this is all mine." It's almost ard to believe myself, but i do. Im all his and he decide what we do tonight.

Gerrets lowers his body onto mine and playfully licks up my chest. Moving to the side a little, his tongue grazes over my nipple. It hardens at the touch, leaving me feeling like a ripe cherry. His tongue works circles around it, making my rub my legs together out of instinct.

His cold breath hits my skin like a warm breeze. His eyes shift to look up at me. They're black, like the universe lives inside them. His wolf is so sexual and i love when he comes out. Gerret is so sweet and sensual while his wolf is so... kinky. It's like the perfect mix.

I suddenly feel all of Gerret's weight lift off of me and I look up to see him standing besides the bed with a devious smirk. "Are you a good girl?" He asks me, licking his lips slowly. I quickly nod, lifting my body up so I'm sitting. "Use your words, baby," he says.

I pout stubbornly, but go through with it, "Yes, I'm a good girl," I say shyly, lifting my hand to cover my mouth. Even after being with Gerret for awhile, Im not exactly used to this kinky stuff.

He smiles and stays in place. "Well then be a good girl and get underdressed for daddy," he coos, crossing his arms. His muscles show, making me bite my lip. That's something I always enjoy.

I slowly get off the bed and turn away from Gerret, feeling like a tease. The first thing that comes off is my pajama pants. I make sure to wiggle my butt ariund as I pull them down. Wiggle wiggle wiggle, yeah.

A deep growl comes from behind me and wolf becomes alert, telling me that he's not being very patient. Mm, well, I guess that sucks for him. I toss those off to the side like trash and wrap my fingers around my cute little panties.

"Okay, no," footsteps come up from behind me and hands slide under my panty's sides along mine. "Let go," he says deeply. I quickly listen, feeling his body press close against mine. He pulls down my panties and I step out of them. Now Im naker, practically open to the world, as in Gerret.

I turn around and look up to face him. He doesnt say anything as he leans down and kisses my lips softly. Passion, love, heat, that's all i feel in those moments. Kissing back, I push him a little bit to go harder.

You cannot just get me all excited and then slow down to the pace of a turtle. I can frel him smirk against my lips as he begins to pick up his pace. From soft kissing to making out, we are doing it.

His hands roam around my body, from my waist, to my ass, to my breasts, to my face, and then lower. We continue until those hands of his crawl inbetween my legs and begin rubbing my clit. Circles he goes, making my eyes roll into the back of my head. My core burns, feeling every little movement he has to offer.

His eyes reflect the look on my red face as he stares down at me, continuing to torment me with this teasing. This keeps up for what it feels like like- an hour! But it was merely a minute. "What do you want?" Gerret asks me, shoving his face into my neck.

I bite my lip, trying to gather myself together. "I-I want you," I stutter, not being very specific. Hopefully he isnt trying to play the stupid game this time.

He presses his thumb firmly against my clit as I say that. "C'mon, you know me better than that... now tell me, what do you really want?" He repeats the questions and he sucks on my neck lightly.

I take in a deep breath, granding myself against his finger. A small moan escapes my mouth as I answer again, "I want you to-" I pause, feeling shy and slightly embarassed, "fuck me."

Gerret bites his teeth down on a random spot and finishes the supposed hickey. He pulls himself up so we come face to face. "Your wish is my command."

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