Chapter 23 - Uh Oh Spaggettios

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This cousin of mine is lucky that he made my mate laugh or I would have had him thrown in the cells as soon as we left. My parents raised me to respect family, but it's kind of hard to do that when they don't respect me back. In all fairness though, he didn't say anything harmful- maybe he saw that my mate didn't want to be here. That wouldn't be good. Thankfully she seems at least content now, due to him.

My mate draws circles on the table with her finger, keeping quiet. She's so shy, it's kind of crazy she is an Alpha. But she does take the job seriously as she is still refusing to be my mate because some of her pack members came from my pack.

Actually, I need to do some research on that. Figure who and why are they not in my pack anymore. It's a fairly rare occurence since we don't just let people go. My main theories are that they're rejected from their mates and living here would be too hard on them or escaped slaves. Now that worries me because she will take their word over mine in the blink of an eye.

Our awkward silence is disrupted when my cousin, Damon, brings out our food. It didnt take that long since what we ordered is pretty simple.

My mate's face lights up as soon as she sees the muffin coming our way. Food+girls=happiness, am I wrong? Damon sets down the small plate infront of her first, "For the pretty lady, a double chocolate chip muffin, made extra muffiny for you," he coos and she giggles, looking at the muffin in an amazed state. Over a muffin, I didn't even get that look when she met me, her mate. A muffin is more likable than me, that's cold.

"And then the basic salad and basic bacon for my wonderful Alpha," he says, tossing the plate infront of me with a cocky smirk. He knows me too well to know that I won't do anything as long as my mate is here. He is well aware of our situation because my family cannot keep their mouths shut. "Just tell me if you need anything, or if you want a muffin to go," he says, turning back to my mate and smiling. She quickly nods, picking up the muffin as she is ready to eat it.

Damon the demon leaves for the time being, leaving me and my mate alone once again. She begins eating her muffins, practically scarfing it down. I will keep a mental note to keep muffins around if she is here. When she glances up at me for a second I poke my fork at some of my food, pretending to act like I wasn't staring. "Do you want a piece?" She asks me, lightly blushing.

I'm not one for sweets, but I can't just deny her yet, "Yea, it looks.. good," I say. It's been years since I have had a muffin and I don't remember if I have ever liked them. She breaks off a piece of the muffin that she hasn't touched and scoots it over to my side of the table. I roll my eyes and pick it up, tossing it in my mouth. She looks at me as I chew the overly sweet trash. How does she like these things?

"This muffin is probably the best I have ever had," she says, continuing to eat hers. I quickly swallow mine and eat my salad, trying to get the disgusting taste out of my mouth. That was just for my mate and I hope to never do that again.

We continue to eat our meal in a more comfortable silence. Maybe the key to getting my mate is finding stuff she likes and luring her in. But that wouldn't be easy since I know absolutely nothing about her. She's a mystery, and I plan on finding out every single thing about her.

As I take another bite of my salad, I see Damon waving his hands wildly behind my mates, trying to get me to go over. The look on his face wasnt good- as it held concern and worry. "Excuse me for a moment beautiful," I say, standing up. She just nods and goes back to oogling her favorite food.

I head over to where he is and drag him back into the kitchen. "What the fuck is it?" I ask, wanting to bite his head off. I want to spend as much time with my mate as I can. That's how our bond will become stronger, the slow way.

He lets out a growl to my surprise, "Don't take that attitude with me, you have a huge fucking problem on your hands. Your mate's pack has an attack planned on it by one of our allies," he says, trying to keep it down, but obviously some of the chefs heard and they get sad. I take in a sharp breath, trying to hold back a loud growl that my mate could potentially hear. Her pack is under attack, I never expected this to happen, especially so fast.

"Well do you know who at least so I can go bash their face in?" I ask, trying to get through this convorsation as quick as possible. The sooner, the better, so we can eliminate the threat.

My cousin gulps, looking away with the slightest amount of fear.  That does not happen often. "The Recall Pack, Alpha Zackery just announced it no less than thirty minutes ago," he trails off, probably knowing I had a meeting earlier about this exact topic. He must be taking this as an opportunity to attack because she isn't there right now. "You have to tell your mate, I know you would want to hide it and try and fix it behind her back, but that won't work," he tells me, getting in my face.


It wouldn't be a story by me if it didn't include a muffin somewhere.




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