Chapter 10 - Hi Again!

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After the ceremony was finished, I felt a bit faint due to the blood loss, but also stronger than ever since I am officially an alpha. Now there was one last thing we have to do before we meet with the Alpha, claim our land. We wouldn't be a pack if we didn't have land. Thankfully we are the only known rogues in this area, so I think we should just take it all before any other pack or rogue decides to impose.

I take my dress off at the edge of the woods, following everybody else as they have already shifted into their wolves. I finally shift into mine and walk to the front of the group along with Gerret and Cristina. "Okay everybody, this is the final big step to becoming a pack," I mindlink the whole pack with ease. A bunch of voices flood in my head suddenly and I take a moment to block them all out. As much as I love listening to everybody, literally doing that is impossible without getting a migrane.

The only way to do this is pretty much to circle around the area we want to claim as pack. This puts our scent everywhere and makes sure other packs know who we are. There's no more hiding, we will be out there after this.

I begin to run through the woods, feeling the brisk breeze brush by my fur. My pack members follow a fair distance behind me, trying to keep up with semi-fast pace. At this rate we should be done in roughly an hour. Our scents are already changing from rogue to a pack's. It smells... fresh.

After about twenty minutes of time passing by slowly a familiar scent enters my nose and I pause. It takes a moment for me to remember, but I eventually do and procede to follow it. "What's wrong?" Gerret asks through the mindlink, sounding concerned at my slow pace. His eyes go wide as I see him notice the scent as well. He let's out a growl and catches up to me, "Why the hell are they back early?" He asks, not enjoying our first encounter with the.

I shake my head, not knowing. Taking a guess, it would be they already found out about my pack. "I will go meet with him, everybody else should stay back," I tell the whole pack. They look confused, but understand and take a seat, waiting patiently for my return.

"No, I'm going too. As your Beta, it is also my business," he says with a smirky tone in his voice. I roll my eyes, but don't reply as I walk off in the direction of the scent. He takes that as an okay and makes sure to stick by my side the whole way.

It would be an understatement to say he is protective. Putting him as my Beta is a good idea, but a bad one too. We have a tight connection and I hope that doesn't ruin anything. Besides that, he knows what he is doing with work related stuff.

The scent gets stronger as we approach the same clearing as before. I should have expected this to be the place. Some other scents join Beta Braydon's, but that's not who I'm worried about. I just hope there isnt another visitor.

Once we arrive in the clearing, I take a seat on the edge of the forest and wait for them to arrive. This better be a friendly talk and not an attack. There isnt a large presence, so the Alpha is not with them, thankfully. Kind of a shame in my opinion because we could have gotten the meeting over with. Yet, at the same time, I would've been terrified.

The weeds sway in the wind and I take in a few deep breathes. Paws could be heard in the distance, thumping against the forest floor. They're close. It's less than a minute till they arrive and sit on the otherside of the clearing.

I gulp, not knowing what to say. The only thing I know is that I have to be strong and formal. "Greetings," I say through the mindlink to Beta Braydon, "what brings you to us?" I ask him.

He takes a few steps forward, not saying anything and sniffs me. "Hold up," he says, slightly shocked, "you're the Alpha?" He asks, his eyes wide. I keep my stance, nodding to answer his question. It should be obvious because of my scent. Although it is probably still mixed in with a bit of rogue. "May I take to you Alpha...?"

"Hazel." I tell him my name.

"I'd like to talk to you in private, Alpha Hazel," he says slightly awkwardly. You dont see many female Alphas, mainly because we dont have mates. At least not yet. Once I find mind Ill technically only be a Luna. Hopefully I won't find him soon, there is just so much going on already in my life and it he or she would probably end up being distraction.

Talking in private is nervewracking though. It would feel like Im hiding stuff from Gerret and the pack. But what has to be done, has to be done. "Fine, if you would like to follow me we can go back to my pack," I suggest as a bold move. Maybe if he sees us for what we have, he can relate. Plus, my office is considered private enough.

He looks hesitant at first, but agrees to my request. "May my pack come with me?" He asks before following me. I tell him yes and lead the way into the forest. It doesn't take us long to reach my pack and they appeared scared of Braydon. After all, he is from a ruthless pack.

"Please relax, I am inviting them to our homes to talk. They wont do any harm because this is political," I tell my pack members and they nods, standing up to follow me. Our territory was complete enough for now. We can finish afterwards, or tomorrow morning since it is becoming dark.

Braydon and ten of his pack members followed me towards our place of residence. My pack memders stay far away from the strangers, still feeling weary of them. I would be too, if I weren't an alpha now. Some of my pack members were even banished from that pack so I understand, too bad I already agreed to this. I'm sorry to everyone that applies to, hopefully it'll be overwith soon.

Once we get close to the town my pack members run home to either shift back or hide. I let out a sign and lead Braydon and his wolves outside me and Gerret's house.

"If you could wait one minute, me and my Beta have to shift back. Did you bring clothes?" I ask out of curiousity. I can't exactly mindlink them when I am a human.

Beta Braydon looks back at a specific pack member with a backpack on the back of his wolf, "Yes, we will go shift in the woods and come back here," he says, turning to his wolves and leading them away.

Me and Gerret enter our house and I hop onto our bed, shifting back. I hug a blanket and let out a long sigh. "This is so stressful!" I say, crossing my arms over my naked body. Every moment with them I feel like I'm going to screw up and get everyone killed. I shouldn't have led them here, but they would figure out where we were anyways. It could be that I'm overthinking, but I just want everything to go perfectly.

Gerret comes up behind me and kisses my cheek sweetly, "Hey, you're doing fine. Let's go out there and show them what we got," he says, turning me around so I face him. I smile and lightly blush, loving his support. He notices and smirks, placing another kiss on the edge of my lips.


Gerret is so cute- OOF

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