Chpater 17 - Feeling Very Unsure

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At the pace we were all going, I felt like we were never going to get to their pack. The sky was even slowly starting to get brighter by the time we arrived, indicating it was almost morning. I hope there will be a chance for me to sleep, at the least. This stress is really getting to me and I'd appreciate some peace and quiet. Though I'm not sure if it'll be possible around Neil.

Alpha Neil hasn't said a word to me this whole time, but I could tell that he mindlinked with his guards. I kind of felt left out, but also relieved. My feelings are all mixed up right now. I just hope I can decide whether or not I want Neil as my mate after these two days, that's what most important right now as well as my pack.

"We are here," Alpha Neil says, interrupting me from my thoughts. I nod, lifting my head to look around at all the large houses and even a mansion. That must be the main pack house, I wonder if he lives there. I guess I will find found at some point. "Follow me, I had someone get you some clothes," he adds, walking in a different direction from his guards.

We walk towards a large house, painted brown with a large bay window standing out the front. This place is really nice compare to my extremely tiny place. He lifts his front paws up and opens the door, holding it open for me. I rush past him, mumbling a thank you as I enter his house. He follows close behind, I could feel his eyes on me.

"Here, they are in the bathroon two doors down the hallway to your left, you can shift and change in there," he tells me while going up the stairs to presumably what is his room. This is not how I expected we would interect. My wolf wanted him to crawl ontop of me, while I enjoy this awkward small talking.

I follow his directions and enter a half bathroom with clothes layed ontop of the sink. I shift back, finding myself cold in this house. It's almost freezing.  One arm wraps around myself while the other grabs the clothes I was given. They're oddly soft, like fuzzy pajamas. I lift the top up with both of my hands and see they actually are pajamas, well this is weird.

I quickly put on the so called clothes and exit the bathroom to see Neil standing outside. I never heard him come down the stairs. "I have a meeting with another pack and thought you might want to sleep," he says, answering the question I was just thinking about. That's pretty sweet of him.

"Oh okay, thank you," I smile lightly. Being nice to him is my goal for now, because he hasn't hurt me yet. Unlike some of my pack members. This is going to be hard, since I have to think about them too.  Now is not the time to be selfish.

Alpha Neil nods, "You can sleep in my room-" my eyes go wide at his suddeness, but he continues while smirking, "Don't worry. I just don't have a guest bedroom set up," he says casually. Sure, he had time to walk here that slow and have my clothes ready though. "Here, I'll show you there," he motions me to follow him.

We walk up his stairs and a couple doors down to his room. I notice a few pictures along the way of what I assume are family members or friends. If I'm feeling snoopy later, I'll go check it out. When I enter his room, his scent just engulfs me and a shiver runs down my spine. "Here we are," he says, turning back to look down at me, "I'll be back in an hour or two, if I'm lucky," he groans slightly, rolling his eyes. Too bad, he meets his mate then has to go to a meeting.

I nod, not really caring all too much how long it takes him. The longer he deals with that, the more I get to sleep. In reality, I'm probably going to lay in bed and overthink. His scent surrounding me won't help.

He looks back at me once more before leaving the room. This whole mate thing between us is feeling extremely awkward honestly. We don't know what to say to eachother or even how to react. To him, I'm just a wannabe Alpha that was merely a rogue a couple days ago. And to me, he is a killer Alpha that enslaves people for his entertainmemt.

I shake my head, not wanting to think about that now. Right now I just want to sleep, that's it. I rush over to his bed and hop in it, tucking myself in. Neil's scent is all over the blankets and pillows, driving my wolf crazy in more ways than one. If that sneaky shit did this on purpose then I will slap him upside the head.

Thoughts fill my hrad as my eyes stay open for a long amount of time. If I reject Neil, then I will end up with Gerret. It won't feel as great as it used to be because I've met my mate. But if he can do it, I can too. What if I chose Neil? That path is in the dark. I have no idea of what lies ahead. I hardly know what he is really like, because right now, he seems different from what I've heard- from others and my pack mates.


I need sleep ):

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