Chapter 21 - Eat Me

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Now this is what I call a standoff. I'm trying to get past Neil and leave through the door. He's not going to let that happen and is blocking my only legit exit. There is no way I can fight him because of my wolf and I admit it, I'm too weak. The window could be an option, but it is honestly last minute because this is a two story building and I don't know if there is grass or concrete below. Another option could be to seduce him, at least long enough to distract him from the door.

Neil snaps his finger and I look up to see him smirking, "My little mate, do you honestly think I would let you go that easily?" He asks, not really meaning for me to answer because it's pretty heckin' obvious. "I've been waiting a hell of a long time for my mate and I'm not just going to let her go back to her mateless Beta who I can guess she's messed with before."

I take in a sharp breath, not really expecting him to say the last part. It makes me wonder, does it hurt to know that I have had sex with Gerret? He hasn't met me till recently. But I did know that I had a mate out there, and still did it. It makes me feel aweful and also makes me wonder if he's done the same. It's not an uncommon occurrence between mateless wolves.

"Look, I get that you've waited a long tome. Just let me go home and you can try to contact me another time once everything has cooled down," I say, trying to be as calm and soothing as possible. Fire does not put out other fires.

Neil snickers, "Dontrelle try and pull that sweet talking on me. You're not leaving for the next day and a half, like we agreed on," he smirks, taking a few steps closer to me. I don't like this, he is invading my personal space and making my wolf excited.

I step back as he comes even closer then I could imagine, practically pushing me against the wall. My eyes are wide as many thoughts are running through my head, some even daring to be dirty. "Stop fighting with your wolf," Neil whispers in my ear while gently carassing my arm and grabbing my hand afterwards. A shiver runs down my spine and I let out a shaky breath.

Neil looks down at me and places his hands on the wall behind me. I turn my head to look away from him and hide my embarrassed, red face. I hear a sigh and notice that he had taken a few steps away from me, "just don't leave and we wont have problems," he says, looking at me up and down, "and change clothes."

Um, what the fuck. "You may not have a problem but I do!" I shout, feeling myself get angry. He is my mate and I get that there are some undeniable feelings he must be having, but that does not me he can just force me to do whatever he wants and using our matebond as an excuse. "If you really want to be my mate then treat me with some respect and until then, I'll just be another Alpha, from another pack," I add, making sure he gets the point. I can't deny the matebond either, but I can try and hold back as much as I can till he learns that I'm no toy to play with.

If he maybe tries then he can learn that I can be a fun person. At least that's what Gerret has told me the days after we slept together.

"God damnit," Neil mumbles, crossing his arms, "fine, let's just do it your way, but I am still not letting you leave for the next day and half. Okay?" He asks, pinching his nose. The big bad Alpha didn't get what he wants and now look at him, he is being a little bitch.

I nod, agreeing to that. "Fine, I'll stay," I say, knowing that I can't always get what I want either. "But dont you ever touch me again unless I consent." This will make it much better. If he refuses the simplist of requests, then there is no place for him in my heart.

Neil glares at me for a moment, "Fine, but by the end of these two days, you're going to be craving me. Wishing that I could touch you, love you, and even..." he smirks, "never mind. Now, how about we go into town and I can show you around," he says, completely changing the topic. Nice to know my mate is a pervert, it would be better if he was a respectful pervert.


Bruh, a dog bit my ass this morning. I thought my day was going so good then boom! Walking home from firdt period this big ass dog runs out from a backyard and bites my ass. 🙄

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