Chapter 36 - The Meeting

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Gerret wakes me up early in the morning by kissing my neck softly, "wake up baby," he says, giving my ear a lick. I giggle and slap a hand over where he licked. He is such a silly goose. "Today we have to have a meeting with the Blood Pack," he says, not sounding so eager. I understand why he feels that way, but i wish he would just understand that i love him, and only him. He's treated me so much better than my so called mate who I garentee is hiding a whole sloo of things from me.

I reach my hand up and pet his cheek, "Dont worry babe, Im all yours," I smile. He does the same and leans down to kiss my lips. I kiss him back and wrap my arms around him.

He pulls away after a moment, panting slightly. "You're gettimg good," he chuckles, kissing me again. I roll my eyes and push him away. "You're right, we should get ready," he says, getting off the bed. I watch him walk into the cloest and come out with some nice clothes. We have decided to upgrade our closet a little. There still isnt much, but now we have some formal clothes for events like this.

Then he goes back into the closet and I raise an eyebrow, wondering why. He had everything he needed right there. He comes back out with a small box and sits at the edge of the bed. "I have something for you," he says cheekily, "come here."

I crawl across the bed to him and stick my head under his lifted arm. He chuckles amd slowly opens the box, revealing a beautiful necklace along with a pair of earrings. Theyre amazing! The colours are beautiful and so abnormal so a stone. The blue makes me feel like I'm at the ocean. "Gerret!" I say, completely shocked, "theyre so beautiful," I let out a breath. I cannot believe he got me this, it looks so expensive.

He lifts his arm and pulls me onto his lap, faking him. He puts the necklace on me, fighting with the lock for a moment and eventually winning, then putting my earrings in. "The best for," he says, kissing me cheek, "now let's get ready."

I groan, not wanting to get off his lap. It feels so comfy being here and the many things we could dp in this position is unbelievable. "Oh come on, this isnt the time," he says, petting my hair. That isnt helping. I wiggle my butt a little, smiling. "Haha, you're so cute. Too bad Im too terrified of Neil walking in on us doing that or else I wouldve bend you over that bed in an instant," he says, his voice getting deeper. My eyes roll into the back of my head as all of the dirty thoughts fills my head. God damnit Neil, stop being so scary!

I groan, hopping off his lap. "Fine, but you owe me later," I pout, giving him the best puppy dog eyes I have.

He nods, "Of course," he winks, standing up.

We quickly get ready for the meeting afterwards. Gerret wears a cream button up top with some khakis. I decide on a short blue dress to match the jewlery that I now have. It's off the shoulder and flowy- which is all that matters.

I take a spin and the dress fans out. Gerret raises an brow at me, looking at the lower part of my body, "Don't forget panties," he says. I blush deeply and run over to a dresser, grabbing panties for myself. That would have been embarassing in public. I still shouldnt do it with panties for the sake of what dignity I have left.

Once we finish, we walk downstairs, holding hands. The Blood Pack should be here soon. We will hold our meeting in the new diner, the owner insisted on closing it just for us. J appreciate the sacrifice of a good night's business.

The two of us walk to the diner, some of my pack members glancing at me in awe. They seem to be taking me as Alpha pretty good. Despite being slightly weak, I am doing the best I can. We can improve together. As we enter the diner, I take notice it is empty. I guess the owner has left, probably thinking this is a private meeting. Poopy, I was hoping for some food.

We sit down on one end of the table. Me being at the very end. This makes me feel slightly uncomfortable, but Gerret leaves his hand ontop of mine. "Itll be fine," he says, giving me a pitiful smile. I let out a sigh, agreeing with him.

It doesnt take long for my mate's smell to fill my nostrils, making the butterflies in my stomach come back to life. No! They need to go away. I rejected him- he's not my mate anymore.

Neil enters the diner along with his terrible Beta, some warriors, and a girl. Maybe she is a warrior, I would definitely be amazed if she was. Gerret's hand clenched mine so tight that i wince out of nowhere. I look over and see him staring at her intensely. She winks at him, taking a seat across from him, next to me. I cringe, not liking her. Who the hell is she?

Gerret pulls on my hand, making me lean towards him. "I have to go," he says, sounding urgent. I give him a confused look, wondering what is up with him. There is something going on that I am not seeing.

"Is there an issue Beta Gerret?" Alpha Neil asks, taking a seat at the other end of the table. A smirk is lingering on his face, making him seem devious. I don't like how he is acting right now.

Gerret nods, "Yeah, now if I may talk to my Alpha and girlfriend-" Neil growls at the last part, but quickly covers it up, "it will only be a second," he says, practically dragging me out of my chair.

A couple of Neil's gaurds stand up, "This is extremely disrespectful behavior!" One says, sounding very angry. Gerret glares at the bitch, stopping. "Come on Beta, make a good first impression," another taunts, knowing Gerret wanted to do the best he could.

I take his hand and pull him back to the table. We both take our seats once more. Gerret looks at his hands, letting go of mine as soon as we sat. Something is bothering him and I have a feeling it is that girl. "Alpha Neil, could you introduce everyone here? I'd like to know who is attending this alliance meeting and if we really need them," I smirk, folding my hands together.

Neil gives me a slightly surprised look, but nods. "Fair enough, stand as I call your names," he commands to his pack. They all nod, obeying his orders. The first to stand is himself, "I am Alpha Neil of the Blood Pack," he says, a hand on his hip. Way to be sassy.

He sits down and the next to get up is their bitch Beta. "This is Beta Braydon, as you may know." Okay, this is probably the second most person I didnt want to see. If Neil wasnt my mate, then he would be first. Little prick.

Braydon takes a seat and Neil goes through all lf his warriors, ranking them as the top ten in his pack. Finally, his finger lands on the girl and she quickly stands up, still looking at Gerret. "This is Melissa, from the Moon Pack."

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