Deleted part (Chapter 13)

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Author's Note: Now I know that there are probably some who read this & wondered if Kristie was waiting for Dean & didn't date anyone else. This part addresses that.

Turns out there was a point where, after finding out that Dean was dating Renee, Kristie had decided to move on with her life because she had come to the sad realization that even though she loved him & always would that she & him were never going to be together so she tried being in a relationship with someone else.


Kristie stood at the gorilla at the NXT Arena at Full Sail University in Orlando, Florida waiting to compete in her first match since her hamstring injury & the illnesses of both her mother & grandmother.

She was very nervous & for good reason. Despite having maintained her training while away, Kristie hadn't been in a match in 2 years so she felt pretty rusty.

Still, it felt good to be back in NXT, & she was ready for whatever was going to happen.

What Kristie wasn't expecting was attracting the attention of a new guy at NXT.

Ever since finding out that Dean Ambrose was dating WWE interviewer Renee Young, Kristie had realized that even though she & him were soulmates & would always love each other, they weren't meant to be together after all.

It broke Kristie's heart to think that, but that was what she felt.

So as she was doing some stretching backstage before her match, she couldn't help but get the feeling that she was being watched. She turned around & found herself staring at someone.

There standing before her was a guy with dark hair & gorgeous blue eyes wearing an NXT t-shirt & blue jeans. He smiled as soon as he made eye contact with her.

"Hello," he said in a friendly Irish accent. Kristie felt herself starting to smile.

"Hi. May I ask who you are?" she asked with a bit of a giggle.

"I'm Fergal Devitt," he said with a smile as he shook hands with her. "What's yours?"

Kristie found herself trying not to giggle because she found his Irish accent sexy.

"Kristie Vanetti. Are you new here?" she asked.

"I am. I'm known as Finn Balor here," said Finn.

"Well, people call me Kristie V here," said Kristie whose face was now hurting because of her smiling.

"'re an NXT superstar too huh? Maybe you & I will win championships here & run this place," said Finn.

Kristie just laughed. "I don't know. We'll see," she said as she got word that it was time for her to go out for her match.

"It was nice talking to you, Fergal," she said.

"Do you want to go out for a bite to eat after this, Kristie?" asked Finn. Kristie's smile grew bigger.

"Sure," she said. She then winked at him.

Finn watched from backstage as Kristie's music hit & the crowd went insane. He was very impressed.

The reaction to her return almost made her cry, but she kept her emotions under control.

Kristie then went to the ring to go up against her longtime friend Bayley. She would end up winning that match.

After beating Bayley, Finn took Kristie out to a local diner for dinner. Both had a great time.

It was the beginning of what would be an eight-month long relationship.

During that time, Finn would become NXT champion & establish his Demon King persona while Kristie would work her way up the ladder to be in contention for the NXT women's title, a title she would've won had she not injured her hamstring 2 years earlier, at NXT TakeOver: Miami.

Also during those eight months, Kristie did fall in love with Finn, but she was too scared to commit to him after what had happened with Dean Ambrose. She just didn't want to get hurt again.

Still, she did have a feeling that Finn was going to be going on to bigger & better things, which happened three months before NXT TakeOver: Miami. He was drafted to Monday Night Raw.

Finn getting drafted to what the WWE Universe called "the A show" resulted in them deciding that ending their relationship was for the best, but they would always be friends. She was in the stands with his family at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn when he won the Universal title at SummerSlam & was there again crying as he was forced to vacate the title 24 hours later due to a shoulder injury.

Finn was even there for Kristie cheering her on when she finally won the NXT women's title at NXT TakeOver: Miami. It was a huge moment for her.

Still, after all of that, both would always care about each other no matter what.

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