Chapter 8

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Over the next few years, Jon & Kristie did their best to stay in contact. Both were simply very busy with their wrestling careers.

After CZW, Jon worked for other companies such as Dragon Gate USA & was doing very well.

In the case of Kristie, she worked for companies such as Chaotic Wrestling. She continued improving on her skills & started seeing results such as becoming the Chaotic Wrestling Women's Champion.

As for her family, Kristie stopped talking to her brother Vinnie. He had been convicted of beating up Jenna, who had made an amazing recovery, as well as drug possession but had only served 4 years of a 15-year prison sentence, which angered Kristie & made her scared for her family's safety.

However, a couple of days before Christmas, Kristie found herself face to face with Vinnie for the first time in several years.

The family had been invited to a relative's home on Long Island for a Christmas party. Kristie was in between jobs at that time because of an offer she had gotten from Florida Championship Wrestling. She wasn't sure if she should take it.

At the party, she talked to various family members & was having fun when Vinnie showed up.

When she saw him, things got very tense very fast. She didn't want to deal with him.

As he approached her, she felt herself tense up. She wanted to pounce & beat his brains in like he had tried to do with Jenna.

However, seeing Vinnie with a drop-dead gorgeous blonde was enough to make Kristie not want to do that.

He came to her & smiled. However, Kristie suspected that the smile wasn't genuine.

Her suspicions turned out to be correct.

"Still trying to live out some fantasy, little sister?" he said smirking. "Why the fuck do you care, Vinnie?" asked Kristie.

The response angered him. The woman standing before him wasn't the little girl he had known for most of his life. She had changed.

Still, he was determined to make her feel like shit.

"I care because I think you need a reality check, Kristie," said Vinnie angrily. "You will never make it to the WWE. Whoever owns that piece of shit company will never give you a chance because you suck. You can't wrestle to save your fucking life so I would suggest that you stop trying to make this stupid little dream of yours come true & get a fucking life."

Kristie stood there stone-faced as he said that. She knew that it wasn't true, & why he had said that to her.

Vinnie was nothing more then a bitter & jealous man who hated seeing others achieve what they wanted to do in life while he had fucked up his own life.

However, Vinnie wasn't done being an asshole to his sister yet.

He saw the necklace Jon Moxley had given her for her birthday & became even more angry.

So angry, in fact, that he yanked it off of her.

"Give it back, asshole!" she yelled. He just laughed at her & stuck the necklace in his pocket.

"Why should I, bitch?" he said as he put his arm around his date's waist & walked away smirking.

Kristie was so hurt. That necklace had meant so much to her. She saw it as a symbol of her love for Jon.

Now it was gone. Vinnie would later sell it at a pawn store.

As she left the party & headed back to New York City, Kristie was crushed.

Still she knew that she needed to talk to somebody about it.

As soon as she entered her apartment in Astoria, Queens, Kristie went right to her phone & dialed a number.

She called Jon.

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