Chapter 12

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Kristie's decision to go to NXT was a good decision but one that she wondered if she should've made in the first place.

Sure, the matches were competitive & her fellow wrestlers warmly welcomed her to the roster, but regret was starting to creep in for Kristie.

The reason was that, despite her success, she was struggling emotionally, & Dean Ambrose was the reason why.

Kristie had tried to call him on several occasions just to talk but gave up because she didn't want to bother him. She suspected that he was too busy.

It turned out that he had a surprise in store for everyone in the business including her, & it was very unexpected & shocking.

Kristie was visiting her sister Jenna, an aspiring model, in New York. She had decided to order one of the WWE's pay-per-view events, Survivor Series, & chill out because both sisters hadn't been able to do that in years because both were busy chasing their dreams.

Both girls enjoyed the event from the comfort of Jenna's living room while eating popcorn & other snacks. They were even enjoying the match between John Cena, who was Jenna's favorite WWE superstar, CM Punk, & Ryback when it suddenly got interupted by three guys in black.

Kristie & Jenna were shocked. "Who the fuck are these guys? Why are they attacking Ryback?" asked Jenna. "I don't know," muttered Kristie.

Then Kristie recognized one of them.

"Seth Rollins?" she muttered. "Do you know him, Kris?" asked Jenna. "Barely. He was in FCW," said Kristie who remembered Seth always saying hi to her whenever he saw her.

The other guy was easy to recognize too because she had seen him at NXT when she had first gotten there.

"That huge guy there," said Kristie pointing at the TV screen. "That's Roman Reigns." Jenna just nodded as she watched everything in horror.

However, it was the last guy that had Kristie in total shock.

"No. Can't be," muttered Kristie. "What is it?" asked Jenna. "What the hell?" Kristie muttered again as she felt tears start to come down her face.

"Kris, what's wrong?" asked Jenna who put her hands on her sister's shoulders. Kristie just started to cry.

"Kris?" asked a now scared Jenna. Kristie made a motion to her to turn around.

Jenna did that & was now horrified at who she saw side by side with Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns as they destroyed Ryback with a triple power bomb through a table.

It was none other then Dean Ambrose.


Over the next couple of weeks, the buzz going around at NXT was the new trio coming out of nowhere & brutalizing the WWE in the name of justice. There were those who hoped that they weren't next on the new group's hit list.

As for Kristie, she kept quiet about her connection to the new trio who called themselves The Shield. She felt that it was nobody's business to know about her & Dean. She also hoped that she wasn't a target of theirs because she had no idea what Dean, Seth, & Roman would do to her if they got their hands on her.

She would end up finding out.

It happened after she had defeated Paige for the right to be the number 1 contender for the NXT women's title. Everything was going great until the lights went out. The next thing she felt was huge hands over her mouth & her getting carried out of the ring in total darkness.

Then a light went on, & she found herself in a room face to face with the new guys of the WWE, The Shield.

Out of the three of them, only Dean smiled at her. The others just stared.

"Hello, baby doll," said Dean. Kristie just stared at him in shock.

"I think she's in shock, dude," said Seth with a chuckle. "Wasn't expecting this, were you, Kristie?" She just shook her head as a smile began to creep across her face.

"Surprised?" asked a smiling Dean as he kneeled down & took her hands in his. She just nodded.

"Why make it look like you kidnapped me?" she asked. All three guys looked at each other.

"It was all this guy's idea. He wouldn't shut up about how much he misses you," said Roman with a friendly smile as he patted Dean on the shoulder.

"We'll leave you two alone. It was great finally meeting you, Kristie," said Seth who shook her hand as did Roman. Both guys then left.

"So this is why you didn't return my phone calls?" she asked. Dean nodded.

"Wanted to make a splash, huh?" she asked. "Had to. Didn't want to do it any other way," said Dean.

The next thing she knew, he had taken her in his arms & kissed her hard. They would later go to his hotel & make love.

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