Chapter 14

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As soon as she saw him, Kristie ran right into his arms. Dean swung her around. He was so happy to see her.

"You made it, Kris!" he cried out as he looked into her dark brown eyes. "I did, & I'm on Smackdown Live!" she said excitedly. Dean was super happy now.

He took her inside the Performance Center & introduced her to a few members of Smackdown's roster including Becky Lynch, Alexa Bliss, Carmella, Baron Corbin, and Randy Orton.

After showing her around, they went somewhere secluded so they could talk.

Kristie told Dean about what had been going with her since the last time they had seen each other. He listened as she talked about her grandmother's death, her mother's battle with breast cancer, & the hamstring injury that took her two months to recover from.

Then it was Dean's time to talk. He talked about the end of The Shield, his first ever film role in 12 Rounds 3: Lockdown, & winning the WWE World Championship at Money in The Bank amongst other things.

As he talked, however, Kristie suspected that there was one subject that he was avoiding on purpose, & she had a good idea as to what that was.

He didn't talk about his breakup with Renee Young.

Now Kristie, being a celebrity gossip fan, had heard about Renee supposedly cheating on him with a British television host she had worked with while in London on TMZ but wasn't sure if it was true or not.

She wanted to ask but felt that it wasn't a good idea to do so.

However, Dean noticed the curious look on her face & decided to finally talk about it.

"You probably heard about it, right?" he asked. "About what?" asked Kristie. "Renee & me breaking up," he said. Kristie nodded.

"Is it true? What TMZ reported on?" she asked.

Seeing him look away gave her the answer she needed.

"Jon, I'm sorry," she said. Dean just looked at her & took her hand in his.

"Don't be. It's probably for the best anyway. I don't think she really cared about me anyway," said Dean. "Why?" asked Kristie.

He wasn't sure how to answer her, but he knew that he could trust her so he did.

"I think things changed after I had won the title the first time," said Dean. "She started to get a lot of attention just from being my girlfriend. Then when she became a part of Total Divas, that's when things really changed. She started getting more TV jobs, started traveling more, started appearing at awards shows. We drifted apart, but I thought we could make it work. Obviously she didn't because she cheated on me, & I ended up finding out from a gossip website. So when I confronted her about it, she tried telling me that it meant nothing, that she loved me, blah, blah, blah. I didn't believe her so I kicked her out of my house. That was the last time I saw that bitch."

Kristie felt her heart break for Dean. He thought he had found someone special, but she turned out to be nothing but a cheating, attention-seeking whore.

Kristie then decided to turn the subject to something lighter.

"So where do you live now, Dean? Obviously not Cincinnati, right?" asked Kristie with a smile. Dean just chuckled.

"Las Vegas. I just bought a new house. I put my old one up on the market a couple of months ago," said Dean. "You still living here in Florida, Kris?" She nodded.

"There is one thing," said Kristie. "What's that?" asked Dean as he gently rubbed her hand.

"Now that I'm here on Smackdown, I've been wondering if I have to move again," said Kristie. That got Dean thinking.

He had just bought a new house in Las Vegas, & he did feel very lonely.He had no pets, no girlfriend, nothing.

He was all alone, but now he had an idea.

He just hoped Kristie was open to it so he made his move.

"Kris?" asked Dean. "Yes?" she asked. His question would floor her.

"Would you like to move in with me in Vegas?"

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