Chapter 9

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As she listened to the phone ring on the other end, Kristie was hoping that she didn't dial the wrong number.

Her fear would prove to be nothing at all because he picked up.

"Hi," she said as she felt herself choke up. "What's wrong, Kris?" he asked. She then explained everything.

"What is your brother's problem? Why does he hate you so much" asked Jon. Kristie wasn't sure how to answer him, but she knew that she had to.

So she told him everything.

"Vinnie is actually my half-brother," explained Kristie. "His mother was my dad's first wife. She died of ovarian cancer when he was 16 months old so he doesn't remember her. My mom has been his mother since he was 2 years old when she married my dad, but he treats her like shit just like he does with Jenna, RJ, & me. He had trained to be a boxer & had even trained with his mother's two older brothers, but that proved to be a mistake. His uncles were involved in drug trafficking so he got involved in that too. Combine that with an injury that ended his boxing career, & he has been more of an asshole ever since. He is very bitter & very jealous because he sees us all doing what we love to do, & he can't stand it."

Jon listened sadly as Kristie told him all. He had many friends with siblings like Vinnie Vanetti & understood what they all felt even though he had a good relationship with his older sister, Lauren.

"So how's wrestling life going, babe?" he asked changing the subject to something better. "Good. I got an offer from another company," said Krisite. "Really? From who?" asked Jon. "Florida Championship Wrestling," said Kristie.

Jon got excited. He had just gotten signed to FCW himself so the thought of her being in the same company as him made things more exciting for him.

"Well, I'm at FCW myself," he said. "You are?!?!" asked Kristie excitedly. "But there's a catch though," he said. "What's that?" she asked.

"I'm going by a different ring name," he said. "What name is that, Jon?" she asked. "Dean Ambrose," he said.

Just hearing that name excited Kristie. To her, it sounded sexy just like him. She liked it.

"I like it. It's sexy," said Kristie with a smile. "Well, thank you, darlin'. I do aim to please when it comes to you," said Dean with a smile of his own. Kristie just giggled.

As they continued to talk, Kristie decided to go for it. She was going to accept FCW's offer even though it meant moving from New York, where she had been born & raised, to Tampa, Florida. Still, she was excited for the chance to further her career.

She was also excited to get the chance to work with Dean Ambrose, the man she loved.

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