He's Famous and my *Arranged* Husband To Be.(28)

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This Will Not Be The Last Update Of This Story.

The plane ride back to L.A. was full of questions, mostly from me. I only let myself hold his hand, unwilling to let myself get close to him. I needed to know if he was serious about quitting acting, or if he was just saying that so he could get me on this plane. I needed to if I myself could handle him quit acting. Even though I had so many questions floating in my head, about his intentions of flying all the way to my home and everything, it didn't stop me from refusing to let any space get between us.

The long couch that was put against the wall of this private jet is where we spent the whole ride. We were alone in that room, and I cuddled with him on the couch. Our bodies were pressed into each other as I laid my head on his chest listening to his breathing and letting them flow together. I never understood those teddy bears, that have the sounds of your mothers heartbeat, how could that be comforting but listening to Bane's almost put me to sleep. I tried to memorize the rhythm.

"I love you Addie..." He whispered passionately in my hear and I lifted my head up to look into his eyes. My heart was fluttering with happiness as I stared into his gorgeous green eyes, but there was something I had to ask.

"Why me?" My question caught Bane off guard and he pulled his head back in surprise for a moment before bringing it back down. We never broke eye contact, just looking at one another. He pirced his lips for a moment before sighing.

"Money..." Bane said simply, and it was my turn to look confused.

"Money?" I asked, and Bane nodded.

"Our parents knew each other from college. They knew how wholesome they had grown their family up, didn't want me with a girl who would 'suck me dry' as my Mother put it. I found out I would be marrying you... and it didn't matter." Bane answered simply, and I was relieved. That was it?

"So you know I don't want your money?" I asked, to make sure he knew that his money was the furthest thing from my mind at all times.

"Honey... you could have it all. I don't care what you want, as long as I can have you."

"That was so corny." I laughed and Bane shrugged, shifting me closer to him.

"The only woman who was sucking me dry was my Mother and she's gone. I fired her at the Oprah studio, and if she's at the house while we get there I'm telling her to pack her stuff and get out. I know we wont be staying there long, but that doesn't mean that house some how becomes my parents. Screw that."

I laughed lightly at hi slight outrage, I could tell he didn't hate his Mom as much as I did. On the way to the plane he told me that his Mother was the one to tell the media about us, and everything and it was like immediately I started hating her ten times more than I thought was possible. She was the reason all this started. "So what are we going to do?" I asked and Bane thought about it for a moment.

"Depends on what you mean..."

"Well, are you really going to quit? I never said I wanted you to... if you don't want to I think we could manage. Find a way.. Something?" I rambelled but Bane smiled.

"I'm not just quitting for you, though you are the main reason. I hate it, I told you I didn't like it and that I couldn't wait to get out of it. No one can stop me now, I don't need my Mother, I don't need her telling me what to do or anything. I only need you. I want to be your little farm boy. I was to get a house closer to home, with a barn and a white picket fence right out of Little House on the Prarie only with electricity and cable. I want you to be happy, that's my main priority." Bane explained and I still wasn't satisfied with that answer.

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