He's Famous and my *Arranged* Husband To Be. (4)

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The next morning I woke up to a maid gently shaking me away. I jumped in in a jolt, but she quickly reassured that I had no school to go to.

"Why?" I asked, kind of pissed that my punishment was not being allowed to go to school. Not because able to leave the house... Even though given it was a good punishment.

"I'm sure Bane would like to tell you that. He's in the library." She said before walking away letting me get dressed.

I went to my closet, and just walked in. Yeah, it was one of those walk-in closets. Ooo.. I rolled my eyes at the thought. I don't know what got me in this bitter, screw life mood but I don't see myself leaving it anytime soon. This closet, even though it was supposed to be mine, had nothing I packed from my old life in here. Nothing. It was all the clothing I was expected to wear now that I had a famous fiancé.

Guess who didn't choose their fiancé?!

All I wanted was jeans and a baggy t-shirt, it took a day to even find the jeans. Of course they were way in the back, and magically everything was in my size.

I gave up on looking for a t-shirt after twenty minutes of everthing sequined under the sun. It was disgusting how girly everything in here was. No dark colors, all pastels and pinks and purples. It made me want to rip something...

Violent. Not good..

I marched into Banes closet, with jeans and an undershirt on and immediately found a black element shirt. Of course, HE could wear black. I didn't even care about anything else as I wandered off to find the library.

Another twenty minute, I opened the huge doors, that were labeled "Library", and saw Bane sitting like he was the God Father, slightly turned away from me.

"You ordered for me?" I said sarcasticly, rolling my eyes.

"We need to talk."

"You've said this before Bane.. I don't want too. I made a mistake. I'm sorry! You don't want me correcting it. You don't want me doing anything, so what else is there to say?" I asked bitterly.

"How about the fact the whole United States thinks your pregnant and your Dad wont stop calling demanded to talk to you?" My eyes widened.

"My Dad's calling?! Let me talk to him!" I said, hoping he would. Every time I asked before Bane would say it would be best If I waited for them to call me because of how dramatically I left.

Dramatic? I left with a fight because I could.

"I dont know... Do you deserve it?" bane asked, in all seriousness.


"You'll what?" Bane said sarcastically. "You'll steal my car and race off to see him?" I huffed loudly.

"Please let me talk to my Father, I need to clear everything up with him. And my Mom.. Oh my god. If she thinks I'm pregnant she is coming to California personally to kill me. And if my Dad comes here my Dad is not far behind, and he will bring a shot gun!" My eyes were wide.

"Why so we can have a shot gun wedding? Sorry sweat heart- but we already have one of those!"


Suddenly a maid came into the room, and had her hand over the receiver of the phone.

"Mister- a phone call from a William Cope..?"

"Again?!" that was my dad!

"Let me see the phone!" I demanded, before she could hand it over to Bane. She continued walking like she didn't even hear me which got me wicked pissed so I just shoved her with all my might and grabbed the phone from her. She looks sheel shocked that I even touched her but I was running out of the room before bane could get the phone from me.

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