Chapter 29

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Joes pov
Dianne was led on a bed in the room, I was stood by her head holding her hand and rubbing my think over it. There was a big screen blocking out view of what was happening the other side. They had just finished prepping everything and were about to begin. Dianne was in a hospital gown and had a hair net on while I was in scrubs aswell.

*20 minutes later*

We suddenly heard a loud cry of a newborn doctors rushed around. Dianne looked up at me and I smiled at her "she's here she's alright that's her" I said. She smiled back at me. I was then called to the other side of the screen where I saw our child for the first time. She looked so tiny and was still screaming, though she was starting to calm down. I let out a sigh of relief seeing her alive. I went over and was handed scissors and cut her umbilical cord. The nurses weighed her and measured her, she was a tiny baby, only weighing 5 ounces and 7 pounds. They wrapped her up in a pink blanket and bought her the other side of the screen where Dianne still was so she could see her.

Diannes pov

They bought our precious little girl round and when I saw her I nearly started crying, tears filled my eyes at the site of her. She was tiny. They showed me her and I reached my hand up and she grabbed my finger. She had a tuft of dark brown hair. They took her away again to do more checks as she was so small and early, Joe went with them to stay with her. As soon as I was wheeled back to my room I passed out as I was exhausted. A couple of hours later, I woke up to people coming in the room. I saw Joe sat next to me in a chair and a Nurse came through the door carrying our new daughter. "I'm happy to say that she's all healthy there was a few complications with her breathing so well have to monitor that but apart from that she's fine"we both smiled relieved. The nurse passed her to me and led her in my chest. She was fast asleep with her fingers in her mouth. "Do you have a name yet for her certificate?" The nurse asked. Joe nodded "Piper Elizabeth Sugg" the nurse smiled "I'll be back to check on you later" and walked out so it was just the three of us left. I smiled down at her with tears in my eyes threatening to fall it was all worth it she was just perfect. "You did such a good job she's perfect absolutely perfect" he smiled looking at her with tears in his eyes. I smiled this was going to be my life now and right now everything just felt right.

We really were soulmates.

A/n we are so sorry we haven't updated in way over a month but life's been so busy and schools really caught up on us as we started our GCSEs subjects

This is the last chapter sorry it's come to an end so abruptly! This was our first fanfiction so it's not the best but it's a good start.  Thanks for reading and voting and commenting on chapters!!

Go check out Zia's other fanfics on this account and Sophie's (mine) on @galaxyflowerz

Bye ❤️❤️

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