Chapter 14

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*time skip to Christmas*
Diannes pov

I woke up earlier than usual in joes bed with all the duvet on top of me. I suddenly remembered it was Christmas! I shook joe awake excitedly! "Joe wale up its Christmas!" But being the lazy person he is asked for 5 more minutes like he always does. I rolled my eyes in disbelief and curled up next to him again making sure he didn't fall asleep again. I was now around 12 weeks pregnant and I had started showing. It wasn't that recognisable but it was there. I mainly wore baggy jumpers to cover it at school or whenever I went out. I still had bad morning sickness but every so often I would have a day where I wasn't sick and I preyed o would be ok today. I couldn't wait for today as we were going to announce the pregnancy to the rest of the family in a perfect way! Oh and I couldn't wait to give joe his present I was sure he was going to love it!

Joes POV

After around half an hour dianne finally managed to get me up. We got up and had pancakes for breakfast. Afterwards we both got dressed in my room. Caspar has left to see his family really early this morning and oli had left yesterday. So It was just me and dianne at the moment. As diannes family lived in Australia we were going to video call them tonight and we were going to visit my parents this morning and have lunch with them and Zoe and Alfie would be there. We had the best way ever to announce the pregnancy. We were both very worried and nervous about how people would take it. Dianne was wearing one of my jumpers to try and hide her growing bump. At around 10 am we decided to head of to joes parents house down in Wiltshire. It was a really long drive and dianne fell asleep and had around a 45 minute nap waking up feeling much better. The rest of the way we sang our hearts out and talked about most things never getting bored of each other's company. As I pulled up outside the house I saw dianne getting nervous and gently took her hand and whispered "they're gonna love you and nothing will happen I'll make sure your safe." She smiles and pecked me on the cheeks "thanks joe come on we should get out" she said and got out the car.

Diannes pov

I was really nervous of not only the baby news but also if they would except me or not. Obviously joe had told me all about them and from what I heard they sounded amazing. We got out the car and got the box which contained the pregnancy test that they would all open together, along with there separate individual presents. We approached the door bell and after standing there for a while joe finnaly had the courage to knock. All most instantly the door open. A lady who was probably his mum pounced on joe and squeezed him tightly while a man who I guessed was joes father hugged me gently then the switched and his mum gave me a bone crushing hug. I winced as she was hugging me to tightly around the stomach and I knew joe had noticed as he said "can we go inside it's quite cold out here" his mum nodded and ushered us inside while I smiled at joe greatfully. We walked into the lounge where Zoe and Alfie where already sat and we sat on the chair opposite them. His parents introduced themselves to me as I already knew the others. We sat around getting to know about each other and then asking questions about Australia. "Shall we open presents" Zoe exclaimed suddenly. Everybody agreed and joe smiled at me reassuringly. We all exchanged presents excitedly but we left the box till last. "What's in the box guys" joes dad asked us. "This is a joint present for all of you" Joe said more confidently than he was. "Who wants to open it? He asked "I can" his mum replied taking the box of joe. We counted down to 3 and Tracey (joes mum) tipped of the ribbon holding the lid on. I prepared myself for what could come next.joe was squeezing my hand tight to reassure me.

Arthur's note: hehe cliffhanger pt 2 of Christmas will come tomorrow where you will find out there reactions!

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