Chapter 23

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Joes POV

I woke up at 9:30 with no dianne and heard her in the kitchen singing to herself. I got up slowly and went into the kitchen dianne didn't notice me so I snuck up on her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She jumped "joe!" She yelled "sorry" I laughed at her. "I'm about to leave to meet Zoë" I nodded my head at her "I'm meeting Alfie for a coffee a bit later" "ok I'll see you when I get back" I kissed her cheek and she walked out the door to go meet Zoë leaving me on my own. I ate some breakfast and got dressed slowly not in a rush. At around midday Alfie knocked on the door. I opened it and smiled "ello Alfie" I said to him "ello Joseph" we left the room and went to costa and ordered some drinks and some food. We sat down and caught up on things. "How you feeling about the pregnancy?" He asked me "it's going great" I smiled "if you could go back would you change it" I thought about it what would our lives be like without piper on her way? "No I wouldn't change one bit" I said firmly Alfie smiled and we carried on talking and eating. I wonder if dianne would say the same I'll ask her later.

Diannes pov

We were currently in new look for Zoë she was looking at all the clothes and already had bags full of things from the other shops. I had a few things like quite a few comfy tops that would fit nicely and some sweaters to wear along with a couple of pairs of leggings that would fit me. When we finally stepped out of new lookafter what felt like hours I said to Zoë "it's my turn now I want to go to the baby store" I laughed Zoë nodded and smiled "yep let's go I can't wait to be a auntie" she squealed. I smiled and we headed of to the baby shop. We spent hours in there and when we finally left I had loads of bags including clothes,bottles and other little bits for piper. It had made it seem so real. We grabbed some food as we were both starving and went into a couple more shops. We then decided to go home as my feet were killing me and we were both tired and had to many bags to carry. When we got back, I said goodbye to Zoë and went into our room. Joe was sat on the couch scrolling through Twitter. When I got in I ran up to him and have him a massive hug. "Looks like someone missed me" he laughed at me hugging me tightly back. He let go of me after a long hug. "So what did you get?" He asked. I smiled and went and got the many bags I dumped by the door. "You got loads" he laughed I nodded and laughed back. "I got loads of clothes and stuff for piper and some clothes that will actually fit me" joe smiled "so you had a good time?" "Yep" I smiled. I showed joe all the baby stuff I bought and we chatted about our day. "When do you want to go shopping for pipers room?" Joe asked me "oh yeh I forgot we had to get that ready" we decided to go on a couple of weeks time to get the cot, pram and other necessities. I put the bag full of her stuff in the empty room and we both ate some dinner and led in bed. We led cuddling watching YouTube and joe out of the blue said "if you could reverse time would you change anything like not get pregnant?" He asked looking at me. Would I? I couldn't imagine life without this baby at all. "I wouldn't change anything for the world" I replied he smiled and kissed me on the forehead. "Oi is that all I get?" I said playfully "oh you want more." He smirked I nodded and he pulled me in for a intense kiss. We started fully making out and you can guess what it turned into 😉 let's just say it was a good night.

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