chapter 3

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Dianne's pov

I jumped of my bed and held out my hand 
for him to shake. I had to admit joe was incredibly cute and handsome. "Hi" I grinned at him. He took my hand and shaked it. Wow he had soft skin. "Hi dianne" He smiled widely back. We got lost in each others eyes once again. His eyes were a beautiful light blue shade. We must of been there for a while as zoe awkwardly coughed and Joe dropped my hand reluctantly. "Anywhere where was this spider?" Joe asked breaking the silence. "Over on the wall by my bed" I replied. Joe walked over to my bed and scooped the spider up in his hands and put it out the window. "There all done" He said brushing his hands together.

Joes pov

I really wanted to get to know dianne more but I didn't have anywhere near enough courage to ask. As the last time I went out with a girl was in year 7 and that only lasted a couple of weeks. Oh stop it joe for all you know she could have a boyfriend. Someone as beautiful as her deserves someone way better than me. "I'm going to go and see Alfie for dinner I'll be back later tonight dianne" thanks zoe I thought I my head. I know what zoe is trying to do and I'm kind of glad she is doing it. Dianne answered in her sweet Australian accent "ok I'll see you later" zoe grabbed her keys and left

Zoes pov

I already shipped them so hard! I wasn't actually planning on going to alfies tonight but joe was useless when the came to girls. I had been dating Alfie for over a year now and we were growing stronger than ever. I made my way over to his room and knocked.

Dianne's pov

Zoe had just left and me and Joe were left in a awkward silence. "Your room mates will be wondering where you are won't they?" I asked him. "NAH there fine I can't leave a girl on her own that would be quite rude" he said putting on a posh voice. I laughed at him and I caught him staring at me again and blushed strongly. Oh god I can't be falling for him can I? We talked about everything getting to know everything about eachother. We laughed until our bellies hurt he had an amazing since of humor. After an little while he got up to check his phone.

Joes pov

I've fell for her I really have everything about hers amazing she's gorgeous in every single way. I went to check my phone for the time. I pressed my home button and saw that I had loads of texts and missed calls from my group chat which had all the boys in including me oli caspar Connor jack Josh and Byron. Oh shoot I forgot I was supposed to be having a lads night out. I checked the time and was shocked to see it was 3 am in the morning. The lads would've all gone home by now. Oh well It's been an amazing time with dianne I've never had so much fun! "It's already 3 am di! I should get to bed" I said to the red head. "Really already! Well it's been amazing getting to know you joe." She replied. I took a deep breathe it was now or never. "Um I've had so much fun tonight are you free on Friday night?" I asked nervously what if she said no? "What like a date?" "Um yeah like a date" I braced myself for what was coming. "I would love to" i smiled "great I'll pick you up Friday 7 pm" "sounds great bye joe" I waved goodbye and walked into my room trying not to make a sound. But as I entered I saw caspar and oli sat on the table.

Caspars pov

Me and oli have been trying to get hold of joe for the passed few hours he completely forgot about our lads evening and missed it. That was not like joe. As he walked through the door he looked shocked to see us up. "So where you've been mate?" Oli asked. Joe went bright red and told us about a girl he met and was taking on a date. "Ooh has 'ittle joekins got a girl?" I teased. Joe went bright red and mimed shut up. After a lot and when I say a lot a lot I mean it a lot more teasing it was 4 am and we decided to get to bed.

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