Chapter 18

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*time skip to new years*
Diannes pov

It was New Year's Eve and I was getting ready in my room for a party we were going down to a club to celebrate New Years. I put on a dark blue dress that reached the floor it had shoulder straps and was beautiful. I straightened my hair and left it down. I did my makeup and text joe as he was getting ready in his room.
D- I'm ready Xxx
J- k coming now Xxx
I smiled putting my phone and purse into a little shoulder strap bag. I put some sapphire blue heels on. My small bump was showing clearly through me dress. I walked out my room and saw Zoe "are you leaving soon?" I nodded "joes coming to get me" Zoe was going to one of her friends instead. Not long after I heard a knock at the door I got up and answered it. Joe was stood there with a smart navy suit on. I smiled at him brightly.

Joes POV

I stood there gaping at dianne. She looked amazing. "You look amazing" she smiled brightly at me "You don't look to bad yourself suggy" I held out my arm and she took it. We set of as we were walking to the club because it was only down the road. "Everyone's going to find out about the baby tonight with this tight dress" Dianne said holding her bump. I nodded "are you ok for that" she shrugged "yeh I guess they will find out eventually" I nodded we were still to tell the uni and planned to when we went back. We arrived at the club and went over to where the boys were. It was already quite busy, most of our year were here partying. A couple of hours into the party everyone was pretty drunk including me. Dianne was like the only one in the club sobor as she couldn't drink. I pulled dianne up from her seat and started to dance with her. After a while we stopped dancing "I'm going to get a drink" I nodded "I'll wait other by the chairs" she nodded and walked off to get a drink.

Diannes pov

I made my way through the crowds of people to get a drink. Music was booming really loudly. I was already tired and it was only 1. I had been so tired die to this baby. I poured myself a glass of water as I couldn't drink. I put my glass down when I finished to go find joe. But just as I turned around I felt someone touch my should. I looked around and saw Gabrielle smirking at me with her usual group stood behind her. "Hello dianne" She said "hello I need to be going" I said startling to walk of. "Not so fast I need to ask a question" she said grabbing onto my rist digging her claw like nails into me. "Are you pregnant?" I immediately put my hand round my stomach "no what makes you think that?" "Come on dianne don't be like that you quite obviously are" she smiled evilly at me. "Or have you just eaten to much you fat pig" another girl Blake sniggered. "Look it's none of your business Gabrielle" Gabrielle laughed at me "I bet you don't know who the father is you filthy little bastard" "I do actually thank you very much" she just smirked at me "I bet it's John" Ellen piped up from behind her refusing to a boy who has disabilities. "1 no it's actually joe 2 leave John alone 3 leave me alone" "oh we're not done" Blake said "quiet Blake" Gabrielle snapped "we are actually" She said with a glint in here eye. She turned around and ushered her gang away. I stood there shocked looking at her why did she just leave?! But as I was about to walk of she turned around again and punched me in the stomach and kicked me and then pushed me to the floor and bent down to whisper in my ear "leave joe now you little bitch nobody would ever want you he's supposed to be with me" she laughed loudly before walking of. I was led on the floor tears running down my face and I was hugging my stomach tightly. I slowly picked myself up and walked to find joe my stomach hurting. There was one question at the back of my mind why wasn't melody there? She was here earlier.

Joes POV

It had been half an hour and still no dianne so I was starting to get worried. I had had a few drinks already so I was quite drunk. I stood up from the chair to go find her but I didn't get far as Melody walked up to me. "Hey joe" she said winking "go away I'm not interested" pushing pass her. She ran in-front of me again throwing her arms round my neck and kissing me on the lips. I tried pulling away but she stayed on my lips. She started trying to make out with me but I was refusing to. Just then in the corner of my eye I saw dianne clutching her stomach and limping cover to me with tears running down my face. She saw melody on me and turned around to run away.I didn't care what I had been told not to hit a girl I threw melody of me and ran to dianne. I wrapped her into my arms while she cried into my shoulder. "Shhh what happened" she managed to chock out what had happened. Those little bitches I was going to murder them! I held her tightly muttering soothingly into her eat. "W-W-Why was sh-she on yo-you" Dianne stammered "I went to look for you and she wouldn't let me I did nothing I promise" "I believe you" she said. I gently led her over to a chair I sat down and pulled her on my lap. We sat like that for a while talking and laughing. I had got really drunk by this time and started to kiss diannes neck she was still sat on my lap. She laughed and kissed me on the lips. She pulled away and pulled me up to dance. We started to dance me doing some very sexual moves as I was to drunk. Dianne just laughed and joined in as she was very tired by now.

Dianne pov

It was nearly midnight so nearly new year me and joe were dancing together. 10 seconds before midnight everyone started counting down.
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 everyone cheered and joe crushed his lips against mine. We broke from the kiss "happy new year love" I said to him "happy new year reddo"
We finally left at 4 in the morning we called a taxi even though it was just down the road because I was to tired to walk and joe was to drunk. When we got back we both got dressed and collapsed onto the bed we were at joes as the others weren't back yet. Joe wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled into him and we fell asleep instantly as we were both exhausted.

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