chapter 8

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Joe's pov

I woke up in my bed with dianne nestled into me. We hardly slept on our own now we both slept so much better with eachother. I looked at my alarm and it was 1 in the morning. I sat up to have a drink of water and as I sat up I felt something on my bed I tured my lamp on and there was blood on the white covers. I gently woke dianne up with a kiss . "Dianne baby you might want to go shower I'll leave clothes out side" dianne looked at me confused before going he same colour as her hair and looking down. I tilted her chin up. "Don't worry it's natural" She smiled slightly and got up to go shower.  While she showered I striped the sheets and changed them quickly. I ran next door and let my self in who my key and went into the girls bathroom cupboard. I took out a pack of tampons and took them back. I got one of my jumpers and a pair of my boxers along with the tampons and put them outside the bathroom door."Dianne clothes are outside the door" "ok thank you for not grossing out" She replied. "It's fine don't worry" i wasn't really bothered with this sort of stuff I guess growing up with a sister helped. I got back into bed and soon dianne got in with me and kissed me and I kissed back. "Do you want to bunk of school tomorrow?" I asked

Dianne's pov

I was so gratefull for joe he is amazing I'm so lucky. The only me would've hated the thought of bunking off but  now I was quite looking forward to it. "Yh" Joe sent out a message to the boys saying we wouldn't be at school tomorrow we both fell asleep instantly after that.

In the morning

Dianne's pov

In the morning me and Joe both had a really nice lie in then we got up and got dressed. Joe made us pancakes with chocolate which were delicious. After breakfast we decided to watch a movie we picked the little mermaid as joe said I remind him of arial i wonder why? Joe paused the movie to go and get some ice cream and came back with a large tub and 2 spoons. We unpaused the movie and finished watching it. Throughout the movie we would give eachother small loving kisses. It was an amazing day!

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