Chapter 22

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*time skip to when diannes 20 weeks*

We woke up later than usual as we didn't have to go to school first thing because dianne has a 20 week appointment today. We were hopefully going to find out the gender today. We got dressed and decided to go out for breakfast before the appointment. We decided on Mac Donald's as we both hadn't had it in ages and it was on the way. We ordered our food and sat down at a table with the food. Dianne was barely eating. "Are you ok?" I asked her looking at her concerned. "I'm fine just a bit nervous about the scan" she confessed. "Me to" I sighed "but I know everything's going to be fine" she looked at me and smiled "what did I do to deserve you." "It me who doesn't deserve you." I said we both gazed at each others eyes dianne suddenly jumped up "we need to go look at the time!" I laughed and stood up. We got rid of the tray and made our way to the doctors. When walked into reception everyone was starring at us obviously because we were quite young and it was obvious dianne was pregnant as her bump was quite big now. Dianne was hiding behind my shoulder as we were still not used to people starring at us all the time. We went to the reception desk and tried to sign in. I say tried to as the lady made it incredibly difficult. She kept pestering us about how young we were and kids these days getting themselves knocked up for fun. "Excuse me we have a appointment to could you sign us in?" I said politely through gritted teeth. "Well you see you are young so how don't I know your joking to get out of school?" She said looking at is through her spectacles. Dianne clenched onto my hand obviously losing her temper. "We are NOT joking around look up diannes name we were here last time." Just as the lady opened her mouth to reply the same doctor we saw last time walked out "Dianne buswell please." I have the lady a told you so look and we both followed the doctor into a room.

Diannes pov

As we made our way to the room I was shaking with fear. What if something had happened to the baby? Me and joe took a seat by her desk and were asked questions about the pregnancy so far. We answered them all no problem. She smiled "great now would you please get onto the bed" I nodded and got onto the hard bed. Joe came and sat next to me and squeezed my hand in comfort. She put the horrible cold jelly stuff (I dont know what it's called😂) I shuddered as she did it. And then all of a sudden our beautiful baby appeared on the screen. Tears filled my eyes I looked over at joe who was staring at awe at the screen and also had tear threatening to fall. I looked back at the screen it was beautiful! "Now you would you like to find out the gender today?" The doctor asked us. I looked at joe who nodded. I smiled and said yes to her. "Well congratulations it's a.... girl!" I gasped tears falling down my face I looked at joe who also was crying now. He hugged me tightly and I hugged him back. He released me and I wiped my eyes. "Thank you" "no problem" she smiled warmly at me. After a few more questions we finally left. We had to go straight to school from here but we decided to on the way back stop of at the shops to pick up somethings to announce the baby's gender. I was over the moon it was a girl we didn't have to call her it anymore. I was so excited to tell everybody.

Joes POV

I couldn't believe it we were having a daughter and I would be a dad! We got back to school after stopping at the shops we signed in at reception and went to class we both had maths now. We were in different sets dianne being the one above me which was top. I walked into maths really giddy and I couldn't stop smiling. "Hello Joseph please sit down" the teacher said nodding at me. I nodded and took my seat at the back table with Caspar Conor Josh's And mikey. "How was it?" Caspar whispered when I sat down next to him. "Great we know the gender." They all smiled at me and Caspar squealed like a girl. "Settle down boys" the teacher said glaring at us. "What is it?" Mikey asked "you'll find out later. They all signed disappointedly. "Come one please joey" Conor begged. The whole way through the lesson they kept on nagging me to tell them. I was desperate to tell them it was a little girl but I managed to stop myself from telling. Towards the bed they finally gave up knowing I wouldn't tell. At the end of the day we all met at the gates to walk back together. "so what time are we coming over tonight?" Oli asked. "7ish" Dianne replied. We walked back laughing and joking with each other. When we got back me and dianne video called my parents to tell them that we were having a girl as we couldn't see them. We called them and they instantly picked up. For a bit we all talked and caught up. "So did you want to know the gender mum and dad?" I asked "yes tell us now please i can't wait" my mum begged my dad laughed at her and nodded. "We will tell you on the count of 3" I told them. Me and dianne both counted down from 3 together "1,2,3 ITS A GIRL!" We shouted together. My mum burst into tears and my dad smiled proudly. After a hour or so we ended the call. "Will you message Andrew?" I asked "I'm going to try call him later mum and dad are out I think" the red head replied. We were having a gender reveal later on today and all the boys, Zoë and Alfie were coming so we decorated the room in blue and pink decorations and put out lots of food with the cake on the table which we would cut to reveal it was a girl.

Diannes pov

7 o'clock soon came and everyone started to arrive. When we were all here we sat around in the lounge area and put the tv on in the background while we played bored games. Afterwards we all started to eat the party food we had out. We were all having a great time everyone was starting to get impatient and wanted to know the gender. "When will we find out guys I can't wait any longer" zoë moaned at us everyone agreed. "Fine we can do it now" I laughed at them all as they all worked up and looked really excited. "If the cakes pink it's a girl and blue it's a boy" I explained they all gathered around the cake with Alfie filming it. Me and joe both took hold of the knife and cut a big slice of the beautifully decorated cake. It cut open to reveal bright pink sponge. Everyone started squealing and yelling and congratulated us one by one. "So can we have cake now?" Caspar asked only thinking about the food. I laughed and rolled my eyes jokingly. "Of course you can Caspar" joe said laughing. Everyone got some cake and we all sat down again talking and laughing. "So do you have any names?" Alfie asked us. "Yeh She going to be called piper" I said looking at joe who had his hand resting on my thigh. "That's a nice name I like it" Byron said with everyone agreeing."What about a middle name?" Zoë asked "you'll find out when she's born" joe replied laughing. As we both knew what it would be but wanted to surprise everyone especially Zoë. We carried on talking I was talking to Zoë while joe was talking to some others. "Do you want to go shopping on Saturday?" Zoë asked me. "I would love to" I replied as I needed to get more clothes as mine hardly fit me anymore and I can get some bits for piper.we made plans for Saturday. A few hours later everyone left as we were all tired. Me and joe led in bed talking about everything "I can't believe we're having a girl" joe said "me either" I admitted. "Little Piper" Joe said I smiled and rubbed my belly.We carried on talking till the early hours of the morning before drifting of into sleep.

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