The Talk

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We finally managed to bail Nikki out but we could not bail Ethan. Nikki explained that someone at that party had drugged her and the boy that Ethan beat tried to rape her. Nikki said Ethan found her in time and he went berserk mode on the dude when he saw what was happening. Nikki said she tried to get Ethan off him but he didn't stop. I was glad that Ethan beat him senseless the bastard deserved it. Nonetheless he was staying for questioning.

" Hey hun are you okay."

Cass and I took Nikki to her house.

" Yeah I'm fine. Thank you so much Cass. I owe you one and I'm gonna repay it now by saying You guys need to get together already. Is so damn obvious that you love each other so please just fucking talk damn it."

Just like that she left the car.

" bye guys. Thank you again." She smiled and waved.

I cleared my throat. " I should have left her ass In jail."

She couldn't have made the situation more awkward that's for sure.

" Remind me not to be the adult next time."

" Agreed."

We both looked at each other and laughed.

" Why don't we grab a bite." She asked.

" Good idea."

She drove pretty far out for a bite. We arrived at a little small restaurant just outside the city.

" why did we come all the way out here for a bite?" I wondered.

" I wanted some place quiet." She admitted.

" This is a friend's place. Is just us here and the cook."

"Aren't you full of surprises."

" Stay tuned for more." She winked.

We went inside and sat down. She was right it was just us. Which made me feel really nervous suddenly. Just us two. We had been alone plenty of times but this feels like a date. Which reminded me I also had to tell her about Amy. I planned to piss her off but now I didn't want to. She honestly didn't deserve it plus we aren't exclusive not we are anything I don't think.

A man greeted us. He was very old. Probably in his late 70s I think but he looked good for his age. You could tell he worked out or still works out. The old man had white hair and colored green eyes. He was probably really handsome in his young days.

" Wow look who decided to come visit this old man."

" Hi grandpa." She smiled and got up and hugged him.

" Grandpa?" I said thrown off.
"Thought you said it was a friend's?"

" This old man doesn't like to be called grandpa." He smiled at me.

" Who is his beautiful young lady?" He asked.

" Ariana meet my grandpa Stan."

" Ah such a beauty. Is very nice to meet you." He shook my hand and kissed it.

" Common Stan don't do that." She slapped him on the shoulder playfully.

I laughed. " It's okay at least someone wants me."

" Really?" She gave me a whimsical look.

The old man cracked a laugh. " Ain't getting much action are we? Don't worry hun she's worth it I promise."

" Wow. Am I really being double teamed right now?" She laughed.

" Okay I'll give you two love birds some space. I'll make something to eat as well please sit."

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