Chapter 25

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Chapter 26

Elizabeth POV

"Miss Clementine it has been too long.” I kissed her lightly on the cheek. It was refreshing to see such a dear trusted friend.

 "Elizabeth my dear are you well?”

"I suppose I am doing better now that the excitement has died down. Juliana is such a foolish child. I trust her for a minute and she just stabs me in the back.”

"I'm so sorry. Let’s talk about something more delightful. I see your fathers horses are doing well, although it seems the Dallas's are winning the match.”

"It seems so. Oh what was it that you were going to tell me last time we spoke?"

"Oh yes! Come and sit. So while at the ball I had to use the powder room. I couldn't find it, and so I accidently stumbled into the coatroom. You wouldn't believe my surprise to find Jake Dallas kissing some lowly serving maid!"

"Really! That is something."

"I promised I wouldn't say anything."

"How noble you are."

"Yes but, you know me I had to tell someone."

"Well it’s just what I needed to lift my spirits a bit. At least someone’s life is more scandalous then their making mine out to be."

"Glad to be of service." She returned her attention to the match.

The match bored me. All I cared about was my dear Tim. He had promised to have me for dinner at his house after the match. Currently I was just doing my best to avoid Juliana.

"Excuse me Miss Clementine, I'm going to say hello to the Dallas's.”

She was so involved in the match that she barely heard me.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Dallas.”

"Elizabeth you look lovely.”

"Thank you, as do you Mrs. Dallas.”

"Your father’s horses don't stand a chance against my purebreds. My great grandfather has been breeding these champions for generations".

"Dear, don't bore the girl with your talk of horses.”

"Your quite right, but I have bet good money on these animals.”

"Well then Mr. Dallas let the best team win.”

"I am going to take my seats for the final match, goodbye."

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