Chapter 10

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 Chapter 10

Elizabeth POV

Monday as usual brought many tasks to accomplish. I had to visit the tailor, and create a menu for the sewing circles monthly lunch. Of course I would need some assistance. No woman of my stature would dare venture into town unattended. Not that I would implore Juliana.

It was eleven and yet she was still asleep; acting as if it was still the first blush of day. Most likely possessing a headache due to the amount of champagne she consumed. I couldn't bother myself with such irresponsible childish behavior.

I had my maid Lydia request the presence of Miss Clementine at the tea room at 1:30, a few blocks down the road. Within the hour a reply came and she accepted my invitation.

It was important to be seen on a Monday, so the gossip column would not draw any assumptions concerning what your weekend entailed. Once again Juliana didn't care about details such as that. "Lydia, request Steven to have the coach ready by 1:15."

Lydia scurried away with a nod of her head. She was odd that one. She rarely spoke. I suppose I couldn't lament considering she did her job well and was obedient. She was a very plain girl. She had brown hair. Not a golden or bright honeyed color. Nor was it a deep chocolate color. It was closer to dull flaxen. Her eyes were grayish in their color. 

It often made her look dismal even when she wasn't. I began to feel regret for such thoughts. Especially when my dress I was to wear to town was neatly laid out on my bed, even though it had slipped my mind to call for it. "Mother I will be back near midday.”

"Dear, is Juliana accompanying you on your duties this morning?”

"I'm afraid not. I have requested the presence of Miss Clementine though." I hastened my pace so my mother wouldn't ask me why Juliana was elsewhere.

"Steven, 237 willow street. And please make haste I do not wish to leave Miss Clementine in anticipation.” Steven would never push the animals. He was kind and gentle with the horses. He never made them go faster than a brisk trot, and he gave them frequent moments of idleness. I was glad that the animals receive such fair treatment, but today I desperately desired to be prompt.

The day was beautiful. Despite the dreary landscape of New York, the sun shone brightly. As my aunt Bertha would say "the day held great promise.” If only I had chosen a gentleman companion, I could inquire of him what time it was.

Ladies have no use for pocket watches for they don’t have pockets. And it would be most inappropriate to shout to Steven who would not hear me over the sounds in the awakening city. So instead I sat nervously, clasping and unclasping my gloved hands.

 Mondays were such busy days. Women walked from shop to shop trailed by servants who carried mountains of brightly colored boxes and bags with bows. We passed by Monroe Lake.

The lake looked marvelous. The light danced happily along the water’s surface. Most of my childhood was spent indoors, but on the rare occasion I was permitted to venture out my mother would take us to this very lake.

I had always coveted to run and frolic in the water; escaping the constraints of the heat. To my despair I was always forced to be proper, and be content watching in my dress that was itchy and bothersome. I now understood my mother’s reasoning. I would not be as refined as I am today without all of her gracious guidance.

The Tea Emporium was a lovely English tea room that was invitation only. It was the most desirable place to meet Miss Clementine; being the woman of society that she is.

Steven hastily opened my door and escorted me out of the coach. I never noticed how handsome Steven had become. He was only twenty and was tall.

He had tousled brown hair and a square jaw that was always set with concentration. "Miss Weathers.” Steven looked at me rather confused. I had been looking at him for several seconds, my hand still laid in his.

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